Limak Arcadia Golf & Sport Resort Hotel

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Asukoht: Belek, Türgi
Aktiivne Puhkus


Suur haljastatud hotelliala. Ühe basseini juurde on tehtud Pamukkale terrassi koopia. Suurepärane meelelahutusprogramm nii lastele kui ka täiskasvanutele. Lastele miniklubi. Lai rannariba koos lauge merreminekuga. Sobib perepuhkuseks koos lastega. Hea tagasiside – soovitame!


  • Liiva-kiviklibu rannas
  • Kaugus kuurordi keskusest on umbes 1 km (Belek)
  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 35 km (Antalya), 148 km (Gazipasha)


1995. aastal ehitatud hotell, üldpindala 97.000 m2, viimane renoveerimine toimus 2014. aastal. Hotell koosneb 5-korruselisest peahoonest, 6-korruselisest hoonest ja 2-ning 3-korruselistest bangalodest.

  • Restoranid: 1 (dieettoidud)
  • Baarid: 6 (üks neist töötab 24h)
  • Sisebasseinid: 1
  • Basseinid: 3
  • Konverentsisaalid: 3 (50 – 400 inimesele)
  • Spaa-keskus
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres: tasuta
  • A la Carte restoranid: 4 (türgi, barbeque eelbroneerimisel – tasuta; itaalia ja hiina – tasulised)
  • Arstikabinet
  • Riiete triikimine tasuta
  • Veeliumäed: 3
  • WiFi tasuta (kogu territooriumil)
  • Pesumaja
  • Kauplused
  • Päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres: tasuta
  • Juuksur


  • Rannapaviljonid tasuline
  • Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas: tasuta
  • Liiva-kiviklibu rand
  • Rätikud rannas: tasuta
  • Rannabaar: tasuta
  • Kai
  • Erarand


Standard tuba
  • Toa suurus umbes 25 m2
  • Keskkliimaseade
  • Rõdu
  • Dušš / vann
  • Föön
  • Minibaar
  • Seif
  • WiFi
  • Mahub maksimaalselt 2+2 inimest
  • Toa suurus umbes 35 m2
  • Keskkliimaseade
  • Rõdu
  • Dušš / vann
  • Föön
  • Minibaar
  • Seif
  • WiFi
  • Mahub maksimaalselt 3+1 inimest

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Jalgpalliväljak tasuline (10)
  • Petang tasuta
  • Motoriseeritud veesport tasuline
  • Mänguautomaadid tasuline
  • Saun tasuta
  • Aurusaun tasuta
  • Noolemäng tasuta
  • Tenniseväljaku valgustus tasuta
  • Piljard tasuline
  • Elav muusika tasuta
  • Vibulaskmine tasuta
  • Türgi saun (hammam) tasuta
  • Massaaž tasuline
  • Aeroobika tasuta
  • Tennise reketide ja pallide rent tasuline
  • Korvpall tasuta
  • Jõusaal tasuta
  • Tenniseõpe tasuline
  • Diskoteek tasuta
  • Rannavõrkpall tasuta
  • Meelelahutusprogramm tasuta
  • Vesiaeroobika tasuta
  • Lauatennis tasuta
  • Motoriseerimata veesport tasuta


  • Miniklubi (4–12 a.)
  • Lastebassein: olemas
  • Mänguväljak
  • Veeliumäed: 1
  • Laste puhvet

Hotelli toitlustus

Olemasolevad toitlustustüübid: Kõik hinnas

Saada meile hotelli päring

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Limak Arcadia Golf & Sport Resort Belek Turkey.We were there in the spring, with a whole group of 12 people, families with children and grandmothers and grandfathers. We had a wonderful time, beautiful hotel with a lot of variety in hotel rooms. Everything clean and tidy. Delicious varied food all day long. Nice terraces. Beautiful pools and... the most important!! Very friendly and good staff. And a very good animation team with beautiful shows. We were lucky that we were there on "Kings Day" (King's Day), they made it a great party, from which many festivals can learn something.In short, Limak Arcadia Belek is highly recommended, where we will certainly return, just like many guests.
Renate BeekRenate Beek
20:01 12 Sep 23
Shirley Van EekenShirley Van Eeken
12:28 30 Aug 23
This was our 5th time to this hotel. And you can say it still feels like coming home! The staff work hard and are very friendly. It is a large resort but in a pleasant location. There are plenty of swimming pools and the resort is located directly on the sandy beach. There is a lot of animation, but this could be brought to more attention so that more people will participate. The evenings are filled with a show on stage, by Limak's own dance group, Limak Dans Group, and from outside. Both very professional and nice to watch. Ariana dances in the Limak Dans Group, a winner. She was previously part of the entertainment team at the hotel. Dascha is a regular face on the animation team and you can laugh with her, she's a real sweetheart. There is a really wide choice in terms of food. Enough reason for us to come back again.
Olesja IannielloOlesja Ianniello
18:28 18 Jun 23
We have already been to Limak Arcardia in Belek 4 times. It was always very nice. Everyone there is very nice and accommodating. There's always something on offer and it's not that far on foot to the center of Belek. Until our last visit in 2019, some of the rooms were a bit older, but still kept very clean. Some rooms have now been renovated. We would recommend the hotel again and again and will hopefully visit there again ourselves.
Mélissa GardienMélissa Gardien
19:22 14 Jan 22
Great hotel, we had a wonderful stay there, the setting is magnificent, the food delicious and the entertainment top notch! In particular Yassine and Moncef, always smiling, dynamic and motivating, I recommend it!
Shadow Wolf2340Shadow Wolf2340
12:46 07 Jan 22
Beautiful hotel bigg territory ,everythings clean the pools sea ,food is good service nice ,the shows of dance in evenig are great the entertenment team are the best thanks to yassine for archery it was so much fun for us we recommend highly !!!
Bettina PetzoldBettina Petzold
14:26 27 Sep 21
I really liked everything here. Especially the shows. I'm particularly looking forward to today, Mamma Mia is on. You're great! It was great fun watching you! Yassine's acrobatics and breakdance episodes were also wonderful
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  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
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