Alexandre Gala Hotel

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Asukoht: Tenerife (Playa de las Americas), Kanaari saared
Hea valik aktiivseks puhkuseks, Hea asukoht, Noortele
Hotelli koduleht


Alexandre Hotel Gala asub otse Playa de las Americase turismikeskuses, vaid mõne sammu kaugusel Playa de Troya rannast ja promenaadist, kust leiate kõikvõimalikke kaubandusettevõtteid. Suur hotellikompleks välibasseini, spaa ja rõduga tubadega. Külalised saavad lõõgastuda Chill-Out Terrace’il, kust avaneb vaade Atlandi ookeanile ja La Gomera saarele. Hotell korraldab õhtuti meelelahutusetendusi ja kogu päeva erinevaid tegevusi. Spaas on suur sisebassein, lai valik massaaže ja vesiravi, jõusaal ja mullivann. Läheduses diskod, baarid ja kuulsate kaubamärkide poed. Sobib noortele ja aktiivset puhkust planeerivatele turistidele.


  • Hotell asub 16 km kaugusel Tenerife lõunapoolsest lennujaamast
  • Hotell asub Playa de las Americas piirkonnas
  • Rannast umbes 350 m kaugusel (Playa de las Americas)
  • Rannast umbes 250 m kaugusel (Troya rand)
  • Hotellist avaneb imekaunis vaade La Gomera saarele


Hotell on avatud 1989. aastal. Igal aastal tehakse kosmeetilist remonti (viimati osaliselt renoveeritud Club Alexandre toad, fassaad, restoran ja lobby). Kõik toad on mittesuitsetajatele. Koosneb kahest 3-korruselisest hoonest. Hotell ei sobi liikumisraskustega klientidele.

  • Restoranid: 1 (Kalahari – rootsi laud, rahvusvaheline köök, show cooking)
  • Baarid: 1 (basseini ääres)
  • Veinikelder
  • Basseinid: 2 (mageveega, 1 soojendusega talveperioodil)
  • Kontserdisaal
  • SPA
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres:
  • Päikesevarjud ja lamamistoolid basseini ääres: tasuta
  • Keemiline puhastus
  • Pagasi hoiuruum
  • Arst väljakutsel
  • Päikeseterrass
  • WiFi: tasuta
  • Valuutavahetus
  • Parkla:
  • Ilusalong:
  • Internetikohvik:
  • Pesula:
  • Kauplused
  • Snäkkbaar (Amazonas)


  • Liivarand
  • Päikesevarjud ja lamamistoolid rannas:
  • Avalik (Playa de Troya) rand


Standard Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 30 m2
  • Rõdu
  • Aiavaade või vaade tänavale
  • Eraldi voodid
  • Diivanvoodi
  • Maksimaalne majutus 3 inimest
Superior Сlub Alexandre Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 30 m2
  • Merevaade
  • Diivanvoodi
  • Igapäevane pääs SPA-sse (al 16.a)
  • Hommikumantlid ja sussid
  • Vannitoatarbed Сlub Alexandre
  • Nesspresso kohvimasin
  • Maksimaalne majutus 3 inimest
Family Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 33 m2
  • 2 üheinimese voodit + üks suurs voodi
  • Toad asuvad alumisel korrusel
  • Terrass
  • Enamus tubadest otsepääs aeda
  • Maksimaalne majutus 4 inimest

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Õhtune show
  • Saun
  • Aurusaun
  • Noolemäng: tasuta
  • Piljard:
  • Vibulaskmine: tasuta
  • Elav muusika
  • Iluprotseduurid:
  • Lauamängud
  • Massaaž (veemassaaziga, Vichy dušš):
  • Mängutuba:
  • Aeroobika: tasuta
  • Mullivann
  • Jõusaal: tasuta
  • Meelelahutusprogramm: tasuta
  • Lauatennis: tasuta
  • Vesiaeroobika: tasuta


  • Miniklubi
  • Lastebassein: välibassein
  • Mänguväljak
  • Meelelahutusprogramm lastele


  • Hommikusöök
  • Hommikusöök + õhtusöök
  • Kõik Hinnas
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Alexandre Hotel Gala
Based on 3606 reviews
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Veru MorenoVeru Moreno
10:04 20 Aug 24
Jonatan NMJonatan NM
09:40 20 Aug 24
Great hotel with great service in every way. Friendly staff and very complete facilities.
14:32 19 Aug 24
It's a shame about the location of the hotel for the food they serve. Lack of variety of food. The issue of cleanliness is not one of the best places, cleanliness is quite scarce..They do not give facilities in anything. Full board and if you go on an excursion they don't give you anything to take away, not even cold... a shame
dv- energy008dv- energy008
07:53 19 Aug 24
Great holiday we will return
Yolanda BethencourtYolanda Bethencourt
19:37 18 Aug 24
A few weeks ago we went to this hotel's spa. I must say that we liked the facilities as well as the attention. Unfortunately we left earlier than planned as the water temperature in the main pool was not bearable. We asked several users who were there, in case it was just our impression, but several couples told us the same thing. I have been to countless spas on this island, but nothing like this has ever happened to me. I told the staff when I was leaving but they didn't pay much attention to me. We will not repeat.
Lucy GouldingLucy Goulding
09:13 09 Aug 24
I'm still at the hotel now. The best bit about the room is the shower! Beds are like planks of wood with sheets on! This is definitely not a 4 star. It's more like 2 stars. Food is basic, even when eating out. Noisey outside till 4am. Bring your ear plugs. The pool is nice but busy. (Obviously its school holidays) Would not recommend this place if you want a relaxing holiday. It's hard work!
caro walchcaro walch
18:50 21 Jul 24
The hotel was okay. We got a room downstairs, no view at all. Next to the path where all trucks drove, at 4 a.m. the trash was picked up, glas was brought to the trash at night and in the morning, sleeping was not really easy. We did pay the same price for a bad room in the hotel and we did not even get a warning about the placement when we checked in. The room was okay, the bathroom could use some renovation.The Check-In was easy and the people at the reception were nice.The buffet: it was big enough but always pretty similar. Breakfast was always the same except for some small changes. There were a lot of times where food was empty and did not get refilled a very long time, especially 1h or even 1 ½h before "closing". The waiters were nice.Pool: Not enough loungers and sun shade.The cocktails were not that good and the bartenders often seemed annoyed about ordering specific cocktails.The hotel was at a pretty good spot, it was loud due to the party mile but that should be clear after some research in advance. They had a special path to the beach which was a good shortcut and only took 3 minutes to get to the beach.Animation was okay, could have been better.Overall it was okay but absolutely not 4 stars.
Sinead DuffySinead Duffy
02:34 14 Jul 24
Came here for a week to celebrate my little sister turning 18. We had a great time, easy access to the beach and great food selection. On days where the food wasn’t my fancy the chef made a pizza for me which was amazing!! As well on the day of my sisters birthday they left a little happy birthday note and a bottle of wine which was a lovely touch 🍾
Andy HilliardAndy Hilliard
11:31 06 Jul 24
So I’m currently here on a family holiday half board and I want to be totally honest with this review.So the rooms are ok tidy well presentedIf you have a car it’s 10euro per day parking.The food is not very nice and all drinks you must pay for which is fine but we are half board so you would expect a water with your meal not great if your on a budget.Staff mostly rude apart from reception especially in the dinner breakfast is not great either but you can have a drink with this.Everything else you need to pay towels safe etc..The Reason for this review is the staff are getting kids to do reviews and telling them what to write and give good ratings when in fact it really isn’t that great for the money also have to pay for indoor pool.
10:27 30 May 24
Very nice hotel and lovely staff. For what's in the staff's control they do an excellent job. We travelled there with a 2 and a half year old and he loved the facilities and all 3 of us really enjoyed the afternoon entertainment. Giovanni the barman is a top man doing the work of two men wherever he is. Breakfast is also quite good which we had every morning. My only suggestion to staff would be to cook the black pudding a little longer it makes the world of difference 😂😃
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