Ivy Cyrene Sharm Hotel

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Asukoht: Sharm el Sheikh (Montazah Ras Nasrani lahes, Tirani saare vastas), Egiptus
13+ hotell, Rahulik piirkond, Pretensioonitule kliendile, Hea tagasiside
Hotelli koduleht


Hea tagasisidega 4-tärni hotell. Kompaktse rohelise territooriumiga, toad on läbinud kosmeetilisi remondi. Alates 2023. aastast läks hotell üle 13+ kontseptsioonile, mis tähendab, et hotell majutab vaid külalisi alates 13. eluaastast. Hea valik pretensioonitule kliendile. Hotell asub mitteaktiivse tee vastas oma rannast koos basseinide, rannavõrkpalliväljaku ja baariga. Suurepärane korallriff rõõmustab snorgeldajaid ja sukeldujaid.


  • Hotell asub umbes 6 km kaugusel lennujaamast (SSH)
  • Kaugus Naama Bay’st umbes 5 km
  • Kaugus vana linnast umbes 20 km
  • Hotell asub Ras Nasrani piirkonnas (Montazah)
  • Mere poolt vaadates teisel liinil


Avatud 2003. aastal. Viimati renoveeritud 2022 a. (vastuvõtt, üldkasutatavad ruumid, basseiniümbruse territoorium, teostati tubade kosmeetiline remont). Hotell koosneb 2-korruselisest peahoonest ja kolmest 3-korruselisest hoonest.

  • Restoranid: 1 (1 a la carte):
  • Baarid: 4
  • Basseinid: 4 (1 rannas, soojenduseta)
  • Konverentsisaalid: 1 (kuni 120 inimesele,):
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres: tasuta
  • Takso tellimine:
  • Päikesevarjud ja lamamistoolid basseini ääres: tasuta
  • Keemiline puhastus:
  • A la carte restoranid: 2
  • Pesumaja:
  • Sularahaautomaat
  • Arst väljakutsel:
  • Wi-Fi fuajees
  • Parkla olemas
  • Kauplused


  • Pontoonsild (100 m)
  • Buss randa: olemas
  • Liivarand


Economy  Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 22 m2
  • Ilma vaateta tuba
  • Prantsuse rõdu
Standard Room Garden / Pool / Sea View
  • Toa suurus umbes 26 m2
  • Aiavaade / Basseinivaade / Merevaade (erinevad kategooriad)
  • Rõdu või terrass

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Iluprotseduurid:
  • Õhtune show
  • Saun:
  • Piljard:
  • Massaaž:
  • Türgi saun (hammam):
  • Jõusaal: tasuta
  • Rannavõrkpall
  • SPA-keskus
  • Meelelahutusprogramm
  • Sukeldumiskeskus:

Hotelli toitlustus

  • Kõik Hinnas
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Ivy Cyrene Sharm Resort
Based on 2218 reviews
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Ayoub GuemidaAyoub Guemida
20:51 08 Sep 24
Maurizio NarducciMaurizio Narducci
19:00 08 Sep 24
At the reception NOBODY and I mean NOBODY speaks and understands Italian, the Italian restaurant lacks variety of food, waiters are NOT professional and wear stained uniforms and the chef or assistant chef (I don't know) instead of staying in the kitchen he spent time at the tables chatting with the customers. They serve hot beer, even once they served it to me with ice (which I had immediately brought back). The coordinator Sara (of the Italian restaurant), although she was informed several times of the various anomalies in my room, didn't give a damn. I recommend going to eat at the international restaurant where the waiters are impeccably cared for, clean and polite thanks to the strict control of the restaurant manager Tamer Said and the food is significantly better than the Italian one. Lastly, if you want to enjoy the swimming pool (there is more than one) in peace go to the one adjacent to the Internazione restaurant where there are lifeguards (who don't ask for tips unlike the others and the barman Salah is friendly and helpful in addition to the pool manager Khaled really good. Last thing, they do the cleaning in a VERY superficial way
The vacation at sea was wonderful, and the animators deserve a lot of credit for this. The program was exciting and well organized, thanks to which my friends and I were never bored for a minute. We are especially grateful to the animation girls Victoria and Dasha, who created a wonderful atmosphere, provided fun and positivity. Thank you for an unforgettable vacation!
I stayed here and really enjoyed my stay here. I want to recommend this hotel. Very cool animator. Very cool program. The food is delicious💋
Fouad ZemraouiFouad Zemraoui
05:52 11 Aug 24
I have booked more than once in Sharm El Sheikh hotels. But this hotel stopped me to write some notes. After ten days of staying in it, first the bad treatment by the manager to all the workers in the hotel and mostly the teenagers who complained to me about the bad treatment. Also the customers are monitored all the time by surveillance cameras as if you were in a detention center and not a hotel. The meals are almost the same every day. And the midday meals are often leftovers from yesterday's food.And most importantly the bad treatment by the hotel staff. I do not advise anyone to stay in this hotel. There is better than it in Sharm El Sheikh.Thank you very much.
Moustafa AbduljawadMoustafa Abduljawad
16:43 01 Aug 24
Spent a great vacation there.Few simple points for more luxuries stay, food as a quality of ingrediants is great, but as a diversity is not good ( all meals & snacks ), embedded toilet bidet is really missed in rooms 🤦🏾 but available in resturant and entrance. Otherwise great quiet place, and awesome, humble & helpful staff.Experience to repeat and to recommend ❤️❤️ ❤️
nazim butunernazim butuner
17:46 12 Jul 24
The animation team was very friendly and caring. The hotel made us very satisfied in terms of price performance. We never had any problems with food because their culture is close to us. Overall, I can recommend the hotel
Aleksandra BAleksandra B
18:00 23 Jun 24
We were absolutely thrilled with our stay. Everyone were kind and helpful, rooms were kept clean and tidy (big thanks to Gyrgis who made sure we have everything we needed - room 2206). Food was diverse, every day for dinner was served a different cuisine (impressive), of course breakfasts were repetitive but one needs to be aware that's how resorts work. I absolutely need to mention the staff in the restaurant and in the bars. It was the best service we ever got, always full of smile, helpful, we were treated like royalty - huge thanks for that. Antonio in the bar near restaurant, Mohammed taking care of the pool and preparing our sun beds and towels, boys in the restaurant.... we love you guys! Other than main restaurants also met our expectations, tasty food, good atmosphere and service. Everything kept clean, only one minus is that English isn't the strongest feature of people working there but it somewhat made our stay memorable as well. Possibility of using bars and pools in the neighbouring hotel Ivy Island - big plus. Bus going to the beach every 15 minutes all day long however it's a 5 minute walk - pure pleasure. We highly recommend this hotel, hopefully we will come back again one day.Thanks once again,Ola with family from Poland :) - stay May 2024
I rested here for a week with my boyfriend. This is our first trip to Egypt and we are very satisfied.Very beautiful sea and beautiful reefs.On the beach there are various activities such as volleyball, yoga, massage.In the evening of every day, there is a show on the territory of the hotel with dancing. I liked the foam party the most.Cheerful and friendly animators.🥰✌️
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
  • Hotelli kirjelduses märgitud toitu ja jooke serveeritakse hotelli juhtkonna poolt kehtestatud kontseptsiooni alusel.
  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
  • Hotelli kodulehel leitavat informatsiooni haldab ja ajakohastab hotell. Reisibürool ja Reisikorraldajal puudub vastutus antud veebilehel avaldatud teabe kohta.
  • Skyekspert veebileheküljele postitatud fotod on illustratiivse tähendusega, mistõttu võivad hotellitoa värv, mööbel, planeering, toa tegelik seisukord, hotelli territoorium erineda.
  • Skyekspert pakub teavet hotellide kohta tuginedes ainult hotellide klassifikatsioonile, mille esitab hotelli administratsioon ning reisikorraldajad.