Bellis Deluxe Hotel

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Asukoht: Belek, Türgi
Veepark, Rannahotell, Kvaliteetne
Aktiivne animatsioon ja show programmid


Väga hea tagasiside – populaarne valik perepuhkuseks. Suure ja hooldatud territooriumiga hotell, täielikult renoveeritud 2014. aastal. Suur valik erineva kategooria numbritube. Hea infrastruktuur lastele – veepark, loomaaed, ratsutamisklubi.. Lai liivarand, vetteminekul kiviklibu, lauge pääs merre. Populaarne ning suurepärane valik perepuhkuseks.


  • Asub ca 32 km kaugusel Antalya lennujaamast
  • Asub ca 42 km Antalya keskusest
  • Asub ca 5 km Belekist
  • Mere ääres


Viimati renoveeritud 2014. aastal. Koosneb peamajast, Garden korpusest, Lake House korpustest ja villade korpusest. Kokku on 555 tuba. Hotell on ehitatud 1992. aastal, üldpindala 135.000 m2. Puhkekompleks koosneb 6-korruselisest peahoonest, 2-korruselisest korpusest Mimosa Garden building, kolmest 3-korruselisest Camelia Garden korpusest, kahest 3-korruselisest Camelia Superior Family majakesest, kaheksast 3-korruselisest Jasmine Lake House hoonest ning Villadest “Bellis” ja “Diamond”.

  • Basseinid: 5
  • Spaa-keskus
  • Kino
  • A la Carte restoranid: 4 (idamaine, prantsuse, itaalia ja argentina – eelbroneerimisel, tasuline)
  • Baarid: 7 (üks neist töötab 24h)
  • Sisebasseinid: 1
  • Arstikabinet
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres: tasuta
  • Pesumaja
  • Päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres: tasuta
  • Juuksur
  • Kauplused
  • Konverentsisaalid: 8 (150-650 inimesele)
  • Wi-Fi tasuta (kogu hotelli territooriumil)
  • Restoranid: 1 (dieettoidud)
  • Hotellis on veepark


  • Kai
  • Erarand
  • Rätikud rannas: tasuta
  • Rannabaar: tasuta
  • Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas: tasuta
  • Liiva-kiviklibune


Standard tuba
  • Toa suurus umbes 25 m²
  • Keskkliimaseade
  • Rõdu
  • Dušš/vann
  • Föön
  • Toasussid
  • Minibaar
  • Seif
  • Toakategooriad asuvad peahoones, ca 160 m rannast
Mimosa Garden tuba
  • Toa suurus umbes 35 m²
  • Keskkliimaseade
  • Rõdu
  • Dušš/vann
  • Föön
  • Toasussid
  • Minibaar
  • Seif
  • Toakategooriad asuvad Mimosa korpuses, ca 260 m rannast
Camelia Garden tuba
  • Toa suurus umbes 22 m²
  • Keskkliimaseade
  • Rõdu
  • Dušš/vann
  • Föön
  • Toasussid
  • Minibaar
  • Seif
  • Toakategooriad asuvad Camelia korpuses, ca 120 m rannast


  • Camelia Family tuba (suurus umbes 50 m²)
  • Jasmine Pool View Family tuba (suurus umbes 84 m², kahetoaline, 2 vannituba)
  • Jasmine Pool View tuba (suurus umbes 42 m²);

Minibaar tubades tasuta – vesi, karastusjoogid ja õlu igapäevaselt tasuta

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Ratsutamine tasuline
  • Mullivann tasuline
  • Jalgpalliväljak
  • Vesiaeroobika tasuta
  • Saun tasuta (2)
  • Mänguautomaadid tasuline
  • Veesport tasuline
  • Meelelahutusprogramm tasuta
  • Rannavõrkpall tasuta
  • Massaaž tasuline
  • Elav muusika (teatud päevadel)
  • Petang tasuta
  • Jõusaal tasuta
  • Aurusaun tasuta
  • Minijalgpall tasuta
  • Tenniseväljak tasuta (2 tenniseväljakut kõvakattega)


  • Teismeliste klubi (12-16 a., kõrghooajal)
  • Miniloomaaed
  • Lastebassein: olemas
  • Laste puhvet
  • Veeliumäed: 6
  • Mänguväljak
  • Lapsehoidja teenus: tasuline
  • Miniklubi (4-7 a. ja 7-12 a.)
  • Beebitoit olemas
  • Lapsevanker: tasuline

Hotelli toitlustus

  • Olemasolevad toitlustustüübid: Kõik hinnas +
  • A’ la Carte restoranid ettetellimisel. Külastuste arv on piiratud
Saada meile hotelli päring

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Bellis Deluxe Hotel
Based on 4861 reviews
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17:29 20 Aug 24
The food is excellent, all preferences are taken into account, good variety. polite staff,,,,,,,,,,,,, good territory, clean rooms,,,,,,,,,,, clean pools,,,,, good lighting everywhere, the reception is incredibly beautiful!!💓
Feruza ZiyayevaFeruza Ziyayeva
19:04 19 Aug 24
This is my first time vacationing here, I like the whole sea, warm, clean, well-groomed territory. We were greeted very kindly, the rooms were cleaned every day, the mini bar was replenished every day!! Internet Wi-Fi works for free, practically works well throughout the entire territory. The food is heavenly, the fish products and Turkish dishes are deliciously prepared. varied and always prepared fresh, cakes, pastries!!! there are gozleme flatbreads, they are deliciously prepared, a big bow to the cooks and also to the gesterleyshen girls and the waiters are great, thank you very much 💕💕
18:48 19 Aug 24
Review being processedReview writtenThis is the second time I’ve been on vacation, I came with colleagues on vacation. The last time was in 2022, Everything has changed for the better, the staff is 99% Russian-speaking, which is very convenient, The staff is very responsive and attentive, the cuisine is delicious and varied, the rooms are clean and cozy, thank you for everything, see you.
Dilora MaxkamovaDilora Maxkamova
18:35 19 Aug 24
We really enjoyed everything, my friends and I were relaxing in this hotel for the first time. The food is wonderful, the cuisine is delicious, the service is at the highest level, the sea is sandy, the area is clean and very well maintained!! The rooms were cleaned by everyone, thank you for the good service, I hope we will come back again.
Josh WalkerJosh Walker
11:54 22 May 24
Great hotel if you enjoy your kids being assaulted by Russians and the hotel staff doing nothing about it. Also if you enjoy Karen's diner you will love the shop, the most miserable man i’ve ever met. Other than that great hotel and nice food. Would probably be more enjoyable if you was of Russian decent
Kurban MuradKurban Murad
06:53 06 Mar 24
The hotel is amazing. The staff very friendly and all time ready to help. The is comfortable and clean. The dishes are very delicious. There is a wonderful zoo. There is hitting pools and aquapark. We have a business travel but there are everything for good holiday for everyone
Selin TemrenSelin Temren
20:25 02 Mar 24
One of the best hotels. The service was great. The food was great. I liked the beach and the pool services. Rooms were big and comfortable. The service was overall great. The acitivity halls were great. There were many places to drink coffee and eat.
Wonderful family hotel! Delicious food, good animations, happy New Year! We celebrated with a group, everyone liked it, they sang and danced. We are visiting for the fourth time and will come again, we recommend, the hotel keeps its standard! Beautiful large area.
Ekaterina FediuninaEkaterina Fediunina
16:30 24 Nov 23
It was our first stay in this hotel and we would love to come back again one day! I really liked the service: the food was delicious, plenty of fish, fruits, greens, even some dietary options, numerous beef dishes. There was something to eat from 7 am to 1 pm, which is great if you are a night owl and tend to oversleep breakfast ;) The staff is friendly and polite. The sandy beach is clean, with a comfortable and gradual descent into the sea. Despite November, we still had a chance to swim. Having a zoo was also a great bonus.We stayed in the main building, upper floor, and the view of pines and mountains was breathtaking.
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
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  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
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