Eftalia Ocean

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Asukoht: Alanya, Türgi
Aktiivne puhkus, Perepuhkus, Veepark
Koduleht: https://eftaliahotels.com/


Eftalia Hotels on suur hotellide kompleks Alanyas, mis koosneb viiest erinevast, üksteisele lähedal asuvatest 5-tärni hotellidest: Eftalia Aqua Resort Hotel, Eftalia Marin Hotel, Eftalia Ocean Hotel, Eftalia Village Hotel, Eftalia Splash Resort Hotel. Hotellide kontseptsioon on suunatud lastega peredele, kuid rõõmsat ja mõnusat puhkust Eftalia hotellides leiab iga tüüpi reisija. Eftalia Hotels puhkekompleksi eripära ja tõmbenumbriks on suur veepark ning 80.000 m2 suurune meelelahutus ja puhkekompleks – Eftalia Island. Hotellid on tagasihoidlikud oma kategoorias, hea valik pretensioonitule kliendile, puhkamiseks lastega peredele.


  • 110 km Antalya lennujaamast
  • 18 km Alanyast
  • 4 km Konakli külast
  • Randa viib maaalune tunnel


Eftalia Hotels puhkekompleks asub 100 km kaugusel Antalya lennujaamast, 18 km kaugusel Alanya keskusest ning 4 km kaugusel kohaliku kuurorti keskusest (Konakli). Külastajad saavad puhkamiseks valida ühe viiest hotellist, millel on kõigil olemas otseühendus Eftalia Island’iga. Eftalia Island on Türgi Riviera suurim, 80.000 m2 suur ja 950 meetrit pikk rannikuala. Täpsemalt on tegu eraranna meelelahutusalaga, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt Eftalia hotellide külalistele ning kus ootavad puhkajaid erinevad basseinid, veepark, meelelahutus ning restoranid, kus pakutakse erinevate maailma köökide hõrgutisi, lisaks sellele ööelu pidude ja diskoga. Lastele pakuvad kindlasti tundideks meelelahutust suur veepark, kus on muuhulgas 14 veeliumäge ning lastele mõeldud klubi. Tänu suurepärasele puhkusekompleksi infrastruktuurile ning kontseptsioonile, meeldivad Eftalia hotellid eriti lastele, sest tegemist jätkub siin kogu puhkuse ajaks.

 Eftalia hotellid 5* kategoorias on tagasihoidliku tasemega
 Eftalia Hotels puhkekompleksi kontseptsioon suunatud lastega peredele, Eftalia hotellides kehtib lastevanus kuni 14 a.
 Eftalia Hotels hotellide teenused ja territooriumid ei ole ristkasutuses kuid kõikidel hotellidel on üks meelelahtu ala – Eftalia Island
 Tagasihoidlikud hotellid oma kategoorias, sobivad pretensioonitule kliendile. Hotellidel on õigus pakutavaid teenuseid muuta, samuti võib hooaja jooksul muutuda hotelli hinnapoliitika ning kontseptsioon. Hotellidel on õigus hooaja alguses ja lõpus osasid teenuseid mitte osutada.

Eftalia Ocean Resort – ehitatud 2017.  aastal. Koosneb ühest peahoonest ning kõrvalhoonetest. Kokku 682 tuba.

  • Pesumaja
  • Juuksur
  • Basseinid
  • Baarid
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres: tagatisega
  • Spaa-keskus
  • Restoranid
  • Arst väljakutsel
  •  Veepark
  •  Meelelahutuskompleks
  • A la carte restoranid
  • Päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres: tasuta
  • WiFi tasuta
  • Kauplused


Standard tuba (45 m2), Standard Large tuba, Peretuba (91 m2), 2- ja/või 3-magamistoaga SwimUp tuba

Hotelli toitlustus

  • Olemasolevad toitlustustüübid: Kõik hinnas +
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Eftalia Ocean Hotel
Based on 7273 reviews
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Alexandru BuzuleacAlexandru Buzuleac
12:07 01 Oct 24
Felicie ObryFelicie Obry
06:43 01 Oct 24
Ayhan KabaAyhan Kaba
06:22 01 Oct 24
I was disappointed from the very first day. The person named Murat, who was at the reception, did not kick us out, he only forced us to register us as if we had won a free holiday from the hotel, he did not even raise his head and look at us, he made almost rude speeches. I said I booked a room, he said it shows 1 room again, he asks how many people there are, I say we are 5 people, I booked 2 rooms, he still says you have 1 room for me, then he says it's 2 rooms, his tone is wrong, his attitude is wrong, and he does his mistake. He doesn't even apologize. His attitude and tone does not suit the reception and the hotel. I was disappointed from the first minute. I stopped by, it got on my nerves, Sabah Sabah
Marion woesmannMarion woesmann
05:00 01 Oct 24
Very large hotel, if you want to relax by the pool, none of it....you rarely get a lounger....there was shit in the pool twice 🤮it was pretty loud in the restaurantOverall, we'll never vacation there again
monika kryśmonika kryś
20:16 30 Sep 24
Chris SollowayChris Solloway
20:02 01 Jun 24
Excellent hotel, upgrade to a swim up room if you can do that you get a more private pool. The staff are one of the best parts of the holiday, everyone is welcoming and helpful. The onsite food is amazing. We really enjoyed the whole experience the hotel had to offer and I would go back tomorrow if I could. Plenty of excursions on offer or just venture around yourself. If you venture out the local shops/markets (royal) keep an eye out for Pablo the dog, he's a little playful pup.The pools are safe and have life guards all around. Night life is still busy on site and on the island. Wear beach shoes in the sea as lots off rocks/coral. I recommend Raki as a drink for the evening being a traditional Turkish drink. Just don't go over the top as it is strong.
Kieran GlennonKieran Glennon
17:49 14 May 24
Rooms where nice, asked for room upgrade and was charged £200 gbp and then my friends also upgraded their room to next door and were only charged £100 when questioned reception about this they told me it was just the price system and wouldn’t really give a good explanation. Staff are friendly but can be rude and will not go out of their way to help, I tried to take a empty bowl to the room for my son to make him noodles as he is a fussy eater and was told I am not allowed and if I want a bowl I must go and purchase one myself out of a shop! The staff on the island are much more friendly than the staff in the hotel I would say. It was raining for 2 days while we was there and everything was shut, from the slides to the food stands. Finally on the day of checkout I left my trainers and jacket on the balcony to dry due to it raining the day before and when I went to retrieve my items they had gone. I informed reception and asked if the maid had moved them or placed them into lost property and they couldn’t care less as I was checking out that day they simply said they have no time to check as they have other things to do. The drinks are not very nice I understand sometimes you can pay to get the better alcohols but it was €8 for a single Smirnoff vodka. There are only 4 lifts to the top floor and 2 were broken for the full 10 days I stayed. The food for tea is appalling everyday. Would highly recommended to stay away from this hotel and if you do stay make sure to lock everything away as they will take what they can out of the rooms. Would definitely chose another hotel. Please please don’t make the same mistake I did.
darren bakerdarren baker
19:52 14 Apr 24
The food, staff, and hotel have been amazing. The hotel is so clean. There are so many different pools for all the family. Slides for everyone to enjoy. We have seen families, couples, and people on his/her own enjoying the resort. We couldn't recommend this hotel enough. The food caters for as many nationalities as possible. I don't even like slides and enjoyed ourselves, no end. Thank you to all the staff for making our holiday a lifelong memory.
Ben CorbettBen Corbett
23:11 11 Apr 24
An hour's drive from Antalya Airport if by private transfer.....even longer if on coach due to many stops.Hotel, excellent. Good, fab. Service, brilliant.The whole family loved this place as an ideal relaxation and chill....even the younger ones relaxed instead of running round.The downside.....the walls between rooms are thin. A few nights we didn't sleep well due to over zealous noisy room neighbours ....children AND adults. Banging doors will be clearly heard in your own apartment. But if this happens and a friendly chat does not work, go to the main lobby and speak to a member of staff at the reception desk. Managers policy is that all guests sold be mindful and respectful of neighbours and noise level.The beds are VERY firm too. The oldest child struggled to sleep as the mattress was too hard for him, so we placed many spare large towels and spare bedsheets under the mattress cover which did the trick
Michael McmullanMichael Mcmullan
17:46 11 Apr 24
You get more than your monies worth here. Great amount of slides, well staffed and nothing is a problem. Food not amazing and spa sales staff are tortures, even bring you in to show you the turkish bath rooms whilst other people are in them which ruins their experience. You have to go to spa every morning to get fresh beach towels so hard to avoid them. Apart from that, very good resort.Top Tip:Big Ben pub just behind hotel shows uk football and serves good food.
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
  • Hotelli kirjelduses märgitud toitu ja jooke serveeritakse hotelli juhtkonna poolt kehtestatud kontseptsiooni alusel.
  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
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