Ela Excellence Resort Belek

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Asukoht: Belek, Türgi
Rannahotell, Stiilne, Veepark
Koduleht: https://www.elahotels.com/


Väga elegantne hotell liivase ja kiviklibulise ranna ääres. Siin saate täielikult lõõgastuda suures aias või lõbutseda meelelahutuskeskuses koos suurepärase animatsiooniprogrammiga. Tänu paljudele lastele mõeldud teenustele on hotell orienteeritud perepuhkusele. Viimane renoveerimine 2022. Populaarne valik klientide seas.

Hotell jätab unustamatuid mälestusi kvaliteetse teenusega, mis vastab igale vanusele ja maitsele. Hotelli filosoofia ja isegi logo olid inspireeritud Lale ajastu paleedest, milles voolas Osmanite impeeriumi sultanite õndsusetu ja kiirustamata elu. Hotellil on mitu basseini, veepark, möbleeritud päikeseterrassid. Külalised saavad külastada imelist spaad, kus pakutakse erinevaid näo- ja kehahooldusi, erinevaid massaaže ja aroomiteraapiat (lisatasu).


  • Kaugus kuurordi keskusest on umbes 2 km (Belek)
  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 35 km (Antalya)
  • Mere ääres
  • Liivarannas


  • Kino
  • Sisebassein
  • Arst (lisatasu eest)
  • Kauplused (lisatasu eest)
  • Pesumaja (lisatasu eest)
  • Bassein
  • Autorent (lisatasu eest)
  • Tubade arv – 583
  • Ööklubi
  • Hotelli ametlik kategooria – 5*
  • Baarid – 9
  • A’ la Carte restoranid – 7 (lisatasu eest)
  • Lamamistoolid basseini ääres
  • Lamamistoolid rannas
  • Päikesevarjud basseini ääres
  • Päikesevarjud rannas
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres
  • Rannarätikud rannas
  • WiFi
  • Pearestoran


Superior Garden View
  • Aiavaade, Metsavaade, Osalise merevaade (erinevad kategooriad)
  • Rõdu
  • Föön
  • Telefon
  • Toad asuvad
  • WC
  • Seif
  • Toa suurus umbes
  • LCD televiisor

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse meelelahutusprogramme
  • Massaaž (lisatasu eest)
  • Saun
  • Lauatennis
  • Türgi saun
  • Veesport (lisatasu eest)
  • Noolemäng
  • Rannavõrkpall
  • Piljard
  • Aeroobika
  • Tennisetunnid (lisatasu eest)
  • Bowling (lisatasu eest)
  • Valgustatud tenniseväljak (lisatasu eest)
  • Multifunktsionaalne väljak
  • Jõusaal
  • Joogatunnid
  • Veeliumäed basseinis
  • Hotellis on spaa-keskus (lisatasu eest)
  • Tenniseväljak


  • Lasteklubi
  • Lastebassein
  • Lapsehoidja (lisatasu eest)
  • Mänguväljak
  • Sisebassein lastele
  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse lastele

Hotelli toitlustus

Olemasolevad toitlustustüübid: Ultra All Inclusive (24 tundi)
  • Restoran Hayat Restaurant: hommikusöök, lõunasöök, õhtusöök
  • Restoran La Salsa: hommikusöök, õhtusöök
  • Restoran La Sofa Bistro: hommikusöök, suupistete teenus, õhtusöök
  • Restoran Anatolıan: hommikusöök, suupistete teenus, õhtusöök, õhtueine
  • Restoran Everland Kids World Lunch: lõunasöök
  • Restoran Manav (Greengrocer): suupistete teenus
  • Restoran Galata Beach Club: suupistete teenus
  • Restoran La Perla : suupistete teenus, õhtusöök
  • Restoran La Rouge Patisserie (Lower Lobby): teeaeg
  • Restoran La Rouge Patisserie (Meydan): teeaeg
  • Restoran Everland Kids World Dinner: õhtusöök
  • Restoran La Sante: õhtusöök
  • Restoran Galata Tavern: õhtusöök (lisatasu)
  • Restoran Akarı Teppanyaki: õhtusöök (lisatasu)
  • Jäätis
  • Alkoholsed joogid, Kohalikud alkohoolsed joogid, Välismaine alkohol
Restoran a la carte (eelnev broneerimine on vajalik)
  • LA PERLA itaalia (kord viibimise jooksul)
  • LA SALSA mehhiko (kord viibimise jooksul)
  • LA SANTE vahemere (kord viibimise jooksul)
  • LA SOFA LOUNGE & GRILL international (kord viibimise jooksul)
  • LA SOFA GOURMET BREAKFAST international (lisatasu) (piiramatu)
  • GALATA TAVERN kreeka, mereannid (lisatasu) (piiramatu)
  • AKARI TEPPANYAKI hiina, tai, jaapani (lisatasu) (piiramatu)
  • ELA ANATOLIAN international (piiramatu)
Saada meile hotelli päring

"*" indicates required fields


Else BxElse Bx
11:24 20 Aug 24
Hello, my name is kejsli baho, and I were on holidays at Ella excellence hotel on 9 August till 15 of august, I really loved and enjoyed this hotel, the facilities were top, the hotel was perfect, I am also very grateful to the personal assistance that was given to us during our stay. I stay at lake house family suite, I really like the room , the room was big, we had everything we need there. For the hotel i dont have anything to say because I really liked it and I am so glad that i choose that one for this year. The only thing that really disappointed me and was the reception staff. I had a bad situation with Mr Babacan. We were traveling with a two month baby and before we chose Ella because we knew that this is a children friendly hotel and before our trip we left a note to the hotel that we need a early check in because of our two month baby, you know that is very difficult for a two month baby to stay without a room and when we came Mr Babacan, was very rude very unprofessional and he doesn’t fit the right position for a hotel like Ella Excellence. He didnt care at all, his behavior was very very rude and I am so disappointed.He had a bad behavior towards all of us and I am very disappointed that Ella excellence has a employee like him in their team. He didnt help us at all , he didn’t give us a solution, we called the travel agency and she also spoke to him and Mr Babacan was also rude to her even that our travel agency left a note to the manager of the hotel Mr Mustafa. The receptionist didnt care until Mr Mustafa called him by himself and in that moment we were waiting, in the reception and Mr babacan called us with fingers like we were some emigrants that he had our fate in his hands. I was really angry and I also confronted him , told him that he found a solution now that Mr Mustafa called him and he told me that wasn’t his manager and lied to me face to face.Also told him that he was very rude and very unprofessional.You can also check the cameras it was around 7:00 am 8:00 am.I am very disappointed on this situation and very angry on him because the clients of the hotel should be treated respectfully and should be helped in some cases. Please train your staff. You are an amazing hotel , I really love the hotel but I was dissatisfied with the situation created with Mr Babacan. The only women that really was helpful in the reception was Ms Imen( if I remember her name correctly) but there were only one women who found a solution to us and felt sorry for all the situation that was created.Thank you
03:04 20 Aug 24
The hotel is good. Special thanks for the children's club. The children are fully occupied. Parents can rest. The animators are wonderful. Many speak 3 languages. All children had enough attention and entertainmentThere was a decent variety of food, but not everything was of high quality. Especially the shrimp for all 10 days were like plasticMy husband and I also received an intestinal infection as a gift (we don’t know why, of course), but we can’t rule out food. Because you only sleep and eat at the hotel)There is a fee for visiting the first aid station.The area is beautiful. Non-stop pool service. Friendly guys workingThe rooms appear to have been renovated, but they are not well made and are already in disrepairLinoleum on the floor is absolutely terrible. No one washed the floor in 10 days. And in general, for some reason the floor was poorly cleaned.Air conditioning is a separate problem. The room was only cooled to 25 degrees. The below just didn't work. And it turned itself off 3 times every night. In general, we are tired of fighting with him. It's as if it was specially configured this way. After talking with other hotel visitors, it turned out that everyone had the same problem.It would be great if, instead of toys for children in the room, the children were given some kind of inflatable ring)) and not a useless toyAnd the room lacked steps for children in the bathroom. The washbasin was very high. It was impossible to brush my teeth on my own. This is a family hotel after all. Everyone comes with children)The minibar was updated every day for freeThis is a children's hotel. Children's area by the pool could be biggerIn general, the holiday was good in this hotel, but only thanks to the children's club)
nevzat gulernevzat guler
20:32 19 Aug 24
Ibo SimsekIbo Simsek
20:26 19 Aug 24
Good overall but the housekeeping staff must make more effort to clean the rooms.
Hiba BazziHiba Bazzi
06:29 18 Aug 24
Amazing..beyond our expectations..our room assistants, Servet and Leila made our stay very comfortable and attended to all our requests..The food is amazing and the cook at the kids club Madam Kefayat made special food for my son on request. I'm so grateful for every thing. I would come back again to Ela.
10:37 31 May 24
The distance between Antalya Airport and Ela Excellence is 33 kilometers. You can choose us for VIP transfer. Ela Excellence hotel is one of the most luxurious hotels in the region. Guest satisfaction is high. It has a private beach of 270 meters. The hotel, built on an area of ​​110,000 square meters, has 583 rooms. 4 SEASONS TRANSFER
Simo LholandiSimo Lholandi
11:51 16 May 24
I have to say that the infrastructure and the massive investment that the management of this hotel made doesn’t match with the level of service that the staff are offering.A five stars hotel is all about service and attention to details and this hotel does not have that. If you’re looking for a real 5 stars (according to Eu / UK / US standard/ ) hotel with nice service this hotel is not the right place then .
Elton KadriuElton Kadriu
18:06 20 Apr 24
The club for children and the environment where they have fun is something that has excited me a lot. I hope this will forever make a difference to this resort just like the central part as a small activity square.
Thomas IsherwoodThomas Isherwood
13:33 01 Nov 23
Very nice hotel lots of activities and there are lots of water sports but they are not included but are great fun. There are good water slides lots of places to eat and some restaurants in the evening aren’t included but plenty are. The beach was clean and lots of sun beds. But I wouldn’t recommend going out side the hotel as it isn’t very clean.
Cristina DanuletiuCristina Danuletiu
17:30 24 Sep 23
Lovely location with delicious food for an all inclusive service!!I definitely recommend staying here.It’s just 2 min away by car to the Belek city Center where you can go shopping.Has private beach. Has some great facilities and great/ friendly staffOguzhan is really great and was very helpful with everything! He Even changed a reservation for uș, from one restaurant to another. Definitely recommend him as well.Great variety for food and drinks and the food tastes really delicious!
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
  • Hotelli kirjelduses märgitud toitu ja jooke serveeritakse hotelli juhtkonna poolt kehtestatud kontseptsiooni alusel.
  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
  • Hotelli kodulehel leitavat informatsiooni haldab ja ajakohastab hotell. Reisibürool ja Reisikorraldajal puudub vastutus antud veebilehel avaldatud teabe kohta.
  • Skyekspert veebileheküljele postitatud fotod on illustratiivse tähendusega, mistõttu võivad hotellitoa värv, mööbel, planeering, toa tegelik seisukord, hotelli territoorium erineda.
  • Skyekspert pakub teavet hotellide kohta tuginedes ainult hotellide klassifikatsioonile, mille esitab hotelli administratsioon ning reisikorraldajad.