Lopesan Baobab Resort

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Asukoht: Gran Canaria (Meloneras), Kanaari saared
Viisakas, Luksuslik, Kvaliteetne
Hotelli koduleht


Lopesan Baobab Resort – viisakas ja luksuslik kuurort hotell, mille territooriumil asub troopiline aed. Kogu kuurordis on Aafrika stiilis kujundus. Kohapeal on suur välisbassein. Maspalomase rand jääb umbes 600 meetri kaugusele. Hotellis Lopesan Baobab on mugavad, elegantsed ja avarad toad. Kõikidel tubadel on konditsioneer ja rõdu. Vannitubades on tualetitarbed ja hommikumantlid. Hotelli Baobab restoran Pili Pili on spetsialiseerunud grillitud lihale ja mereandidele ning Akara pakub Aafrika kööki. Kohapeal on ka Buffee stiilis restoran, 2 stiilset basseinibaari ja kohvik. Hotellis Lopesan on ka lasteklubi ja lapsehoiuteenus. Hotelli ööpäev läbi avatud vastuvõtus on pakihoid. Kuurordist Baobab avaneb muljetavaldav vaade Atlandi ookeanile. Maspalomase majakas ja promenaad asuvad umbes 10-minutise jalutuskäigu kaugusel.


  • Kaugus kuurordi keskusest on umbes 300 m (Meloneras)
  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 40 km (Las Palmas)
  • Kaugus liivarannast umbes 1 km


  • Konverentsisaal (lisatasu eest)
  • Arst (päringu alusel, lisatasu eest)
  • Kauplused (lisatasu eest)
  • Internet (lisatasu eest)
  • Pesumaja (lisatasu eest)
  • Restoran
  • Suupistebaar (lisatasu eest)
  • Tubade arv – 677
  • Pagasiruum
  • WiFi (paiguti hotelli territooriumil)
  • Basseinibaar (lisatasu eest)
  • Hotelli ametlik kategooria – 5
  • Basseinid – 7
  • Baarid – 2 (lisatasu eest)
  • A’ la Carte restoranid – 2 (lisatasu eest)
  • Lamamistoolid basseini ääres
  • Lamamistoolid rannas (lisatasu eest)
  • Päikesevarjud basseini ääres
  • Päikesevarjud rannas (lisatasu eest)
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres
  • Pearestoran


Standard tuba
  • Toa suurus umbes 34 m²
  • Aia- või basseinivaade
  • Rõdu
  • Vann või duÅ¡s
  • Konditsioneer
  • Televiisor
  • WiFi
Family tuba
  • Toa suurus 43 m²
  • Rõdu
  • Aiavaade või basseinile
  • Vann või duÅ¡s
  • Konditsioneer
  • Televiisor
  • WiFi
Junior Suite
  • Toa suurus 56 m²
  • Rõdu
  • Aiavaade või basseinile
  • Vann või duÅ¡s
  • Konditsioneer
  • Televiisor
  • Terrass või rõdu
  • Kohvimasin
  • WiFi

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse meelelahutusprogramme
  • Ilukeskus (lisatasu eest)
  • Lauatennis
  • Noolemäng
  • Vesivõimlemine
  • Veepolo
  • Bowling
  • Multifunktsionaalne väljak
  • Jõusaal


  • Lapsehoidja (päringu alusel, lisatasu eest)
  • Miniklubi
  • Beebivoodi (päringu alusel)
  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse lastele meelelahutusprogramme
  • Beebitool restoranis
  • Lastebasseinid – 2
  • Minidisko

Hotelli toitlustus

  • Olemasolevad toitlustustüübid: Hommikusöök, Hommiku- ja õhtusöök, Hommiku- ja õhtusöök +, Hommiku-, lõuna ja õhtusöök
Saada meile hotelli päring

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Based on 7619 reviews
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Sa Bo
06:02 13 Feb 25
Very nice hotel with a great pool area.
Amber Douglas
23:46 12 Feb 25
Mares! Wonderful service and food! Staff so friendly. Tony is fab!!!!
12:48 31 Jan 25
Everything was more than fine. Very nice swimming pools, gardens, ...The staff was either friendly or very friendly. Both the breakfast buffet and the dinner buffet were excellent. The room was very spacious and always very neatly maintained. A big compliment to the service people. And the entertainment in the evening was also of a decent standard. Nothing to complain about. The swimming pools were heated (but for my wife it could have been a little warmer). I only have one downside: on the last day we could not have breakfast at the hotel (due to the flight hours) and had requested a breakfast package. What we got was absolutely nothing compared to the previous mornings. Which is understandable, but it could have been a bit more and certainly a bit more varied. Shame. But otherwise everything was perfect for us. We will definitely come back if health permits.
Lisa Morlock
10:43 16 Jan 25
Outstanding Service at Lopesan Baobab RestaurantsDuring our stay at Lopesan Baobab, we were consistently impressed by the excellent service provided in all the restaurants. The entire team was friendly, attentive, and professional, making every meal an enjoyable experience.However, one team member stood out in particular: Francesco. His exceptional warmth, constant smile, and remarkable competence truly made him a highlight of our visit. Francesco went above and beyond to ensure we felt welcome and well cared for. His positive energy was contagious, and he always seemed genuinely invested in making sure everything was perfect.Thank you to the entire restaurant team for a wonderful experience, and a special thanks to Francesco for his outstanding service. We look forward to returning!
Erin Lytwyn
08:34 27 Dec 24
While this hotel is beautiful and has many impressive pools and sun beds for the family, I am currently lying in a bed with sand as the cleaners did not change the sheets. I am disappointed in the cleanliness of the hotel, as the first day here when we left our 9 month old to crawl around, we picked her up and she had black knees and black feet from the dirt on the ground. We’ve had to ask every day for them to clean the floors and are diligent in taking our shoes off.Additionally the noise is absolutely insane. We’ve already switched rooms once and basically all night and day we hear what sounds like furniture being dragged either coming through the vents or the front door. We constantly hear doors slammed, as I believe the insulation is not on par and what other guests and I describe as paper thin walls. BRING EAR PLUGS.The first day we were here we had the do not disturb sign on our door as our 9 month old was sleeping and the cleaner came in and started yelling into our room asking if we wanted cleaning. My daughter woke up and it took me another 45 minutes to get her back down and ruined our afternoon.Finally while there are many activities for kids 4-12, there lack any activities for toddlers.The food is incredible, location is great, and service is kind and fast, but these factors have really impacted our trip and likely we won’t be coming back. We spent 5k (which included 1300 of an upgrade to a suite so our baby could have a separate sleeping space) only to wish we were back home as we are basically unable to sleep or nap in here.
keith horley
11:26 07 Dec 24
We had a lovely week stay here in this huge and impressive resort. The food was great with a vast selection of pretty much anything you desire. Service was extremely friendly, with nothing being too much trouble for the lovely staff. It was a truly relaxing time, with perfect weather (late November) for dips in the pools and lounging around with a good book. I've only knocked a star off because some parts of the resort are now slightly showing their age. Some of the mosaic in the pool is a bit scruffy now, there are lots of lights out on their iconic representations of baobab trees, and the paint is starting to flake off around the pool. But that's it, it's a fantastic place to stay and I wouldn't hesitate to go back. In fact we're looking at booking again in spring.
Brader Bang
12:34 11 Oct 24
This hotel was incredible. Stayed here for 8 nights in September, wasn’t too busy like I read about in August. Walking into the hotel was spectacular, stunning entrance surrounded by water features, greenery and even dinosaur sound effects (feels like a jungle) and lobby, entire hotel is well looked after every single day with visible cleaning, maintenance and even gardening duties. Room was spacious, clean and even had phone connectivity to the TV. Dinner every night with a very large range of dishes at the buffet and breakfast equally was lovely. Entertainment had obvious investment as well, professional singers, dancers and even circus performances were amazing. I wasn’t spoken to badly by a single staff member and only ever saw smiles and felt welcomed wherever I went. Service was fast and I couldn’t recommend this hotel enough. Amazing pools with a massive lazy style river (although it’s not actually a lazy river). Decor throughout the entire hotel with live size elephants, giraffes etc just added to the atmosphere. Trees, flowers, plants everywhere made the African feel really come to life. Location was also perfect with 20 min car journeys to nearby busy sea side towns with water sports etc and also is surrounded by designer shops.I would recommend this hotel to anyone, you have to visit!!😊
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
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  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
  • Hotelli kodulehel leitavat informatsiooni haldab ja ajakohastab hotell. Reisibürool ja Reisikorraldajal puudub vastutus antud veebilehel avaldatud teabe kohta.
  • Skyekspert veebileheküljele postitatud fotod on illustratiivse tähendusega, mistõttu võivad hotellitoa värv, mööbel, planeering, toa tegelik seisukord, hotelli territoorium erineda.
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