Noxinn Deluxe

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Asukoht: Alanya (Konakli), Türgi
Veeliumäed, Rannahotell, Hea tagasiside
Hotelli koduleht


Hotell asub Konakli küla lähedal, umbes 50 meetri kaugusel oma erarannast. Hotell asub esimesel rannajoonel, rannast eraldatud umbes 10 m pikkuse tunneliga. Hotell koosneb 9-korruselisest peamajast ja 5-korruselisest lisahoonest Relax.


  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 110 km (Antalya)
  • Mere ääres, Liivarannas
  • Kaugus Konakli küla keskusest on umbes 3 km
  • Kaugus kesklinnast on umbes 12 km (Alanya)


  • Restoranid: 1
  • Baarid: 8
  • Sisebasseinid: 1
  • Basseinid: 4
  • SPA
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres: tasuta
  • A la carte restoranid: 5 – Kaug-Ida, kala (eelbroneerimisel), Otoman, Itaalia, Mehhiko): tasuta
  • Veeliumäed: 3
  • Pesumaja
  • Arst väljakutsel
  • Wi-Fi
  • Päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres: tasuta
  • Kauplused


  • Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas: tasuta
  • Rätikud rannas: tasuta
  • Rannabaar: tasuta
  • Erarand
  • Liiva-kiviklibune rand


Standard Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 25 m2
  • Maksimaalne majutus 3+1 inimest
Superior Loft Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 46 m2
  • Kaks korrust (tasandid)
  • Mõlemal korrusel on magamistuba, ilma vaheusteta
  • Maksimaalne majutus 4 inimest
Superior Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 40 m2
  • Maksimaalne majutus 3+1 inimest
Terrace Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 46 m2
  • Tuba terrasiga
  • Terrassil lamamistoolid ja päikesevari
  • Maksimaalne majutus 4 inimest
Family Connection Room
  • Toa suurus umbes55 m2
  • 2 magamistuba, vaheuks
  • Olemas toad ka ilma vaheukseta
  • Maksimaalne majutus 4 inimest

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Saun: tasuta
  • Noolemäng: tasuta
  • Massaaž:
  • Türgi saun (hammam): tasuta
  • Jõusaal: tasuta
  • Rannavõrkpall: tasuta
  • Meelelahutusprogramm: tasuta
  • Lauatennis: tasuta


  • Lasteklubi
  • Lastebassein
  • Mänguväljak
  • Lastetoolid restoranis
  • Laste voodi
  • Lapsehoidja: tasuline
  • Lastepuhvet
  • Veeliumäed


  • Kõik Hinnas – restoran, baar, basseinibaar, Fuajeebaar, rannabaar, Diskobaar – tasuline
  • Kõik hinnas kontseptsioon töötab kell 10:00-23:00 ning sisaldab kohaliku toodangu alkohoolseid ja alkoholivabu jooke (viin, raki, viski, džinn), jäätist. Imporditud joogid, Türgi kohv ja värsked mahlad on lisatasu eest. Päeval suupisted rannabaaris, tee ja saiakesed basseinibaaris.
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Noxinn Deluxe Hotel
Based on 2182 reviews
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Afiq MehdizadəAfiq Mehdizadə
13:46 17 Aug 24
gintautas tallatkelpsagintautas tallatkelpsa
10:55 17 Aug 24
Zuzana SabolikovaZuzana Sabolikova
18:51 16 Aug 24
Mirosławw GredaaMirosławw Gredaa
10:30 15 Aug 24
Super clean, I recommend it
Dumitru ChiroscaDumitru Chirosca
22:34 13 Aug 24
Sorin ProfirSorin Profir
11:44 31 May 24
Small rooms (standard double), personnel speaks little to no English, 90% Russians tourists, very noisy and rudes. Food ok.
Vladimir KoudritchVladimir Koudritch
13:08 29 May 24
Stay in a Hotel for about 2 weeks. (Second half of May)The room was a good size with a good shower and side view on the seaside. Arrived after midnight and settled very quickly. A big minus has not been provided with any information or hotel plans by reception or in the room. The food was not the best in the beginning ,probably because the hotel wasn't fully occupied. But it got improved by the end of May because a lot of people moved in. Food and drinks are served for 24 hours in different locations around the hotel. The waitress and the barman is very friendly.
Cosmin IordacheCosmin Iordache
15:48 27 Aug 23
I am extremely disappointed with this hotel. This is far away from a real five star hotel, max 3 stars with indulgence. The food is repetitive and quality is quite poor for a 5 stars hotel, drinks are diluted or very cheap, most of the staff is untrained. No air conditioning on corridors, dog and cat pee smell present on elevators and reception, greasy windows on our room and many, many more problems which cannot be written due to racism issues. I'm romanian that I used to work in Turkey and now living in UK so I can understand all cultural and social aspects from those countries, so believe me, it's nothing to do with our high expectations, it's just a real poor hotel. Oh, I forgot: if you want to spend few hours on the swimming pool, set your alarm at 8am even if you are on holiday 🤨 otherwise there is no chance to find a sunbed available, and the hotel beach is rocky/concrete one.I asked for a taxi at reception and they said that I need to find myself a taxi company on Google 😃 ...very professional.We will never come back! This is not Turkey that I know. Sorry lads, but it seems like you don't care about customers anymore!
Dizzy EdDizzy Ed
09:49 30 Jul 23
Good hotel but Pool area dangerously slippy has wrong type of tiles. Food is very very good huge choice. Aircon in hotel and rooms not great especially in temperatures of 40c +. Night time Entertainment is pretty poor... Public relations staff were rude when trying to book our 1 free A La Carte meal for the week and once there we were very rushed indeed. You will have to get up at 600am to get a sun lounger also. Good points very clean and very nice hotel and staff all fantastic and very hard working especially the entertainment crew... Had a very good time though and got a cracking Tan 40c + everyday... Maybe a 4star rather than 5....was reasonably priced for the 10 nights
sasha todorovsasha todorov
15:01 05 Nov 22
For a 5 star hotel I am very disappointed with my stay. The staff were very abrupt and rude at times (except a few that made an effort) and we were often greeted with ‘where you from’ instead of hello or how are you. The man that took us to our room literally put the suitcases in the room and walked straight back out without giving us any information apart from ‘use your birthday for wifi’. We saw orange stains on the white bed sheets and towels which you most definitely would not expect from a 5 star hotel! Having a shower wasn’t always pleasant as there was a sewage smell coming from the drain when you turned it on, as well as the water running cold when you are in. The food was very disappointing, we were all inclusive and so wasn’t surprised to see a buffet but the food options were the same every day and very greasy and oily and quite often cold despite being kept in metal heaters. The food catering for english were chips and spaghetti every single day, even at breakfast. There were also very few labels on food which is concerning as you don’t know what you are eating and is very unhelpful for those with allergies and dietary requirements. Drinks advertising is very misleading, there are photos of lovely looking cocktails aroundThe hotel but there were a lack of drink options apart from the lobby bar. The drinks were also unbearably strong so you couldn’t always enjoy it unless you drink beer the whole time. The entertainment board was not updated for the duration of my7 day stay and so did not know whatTo expect, when we did watch the entertainment we were very disappointed at the quality and length of entertainment with it lasting only 20 minutes at most. The private beach and pool areas were nice but the pools were freezing cold so not pleasant to swim in. This hotel does not cater for English people and so I would not recommend to anyone unless you are Turkish or Russian as then you would be treated nicely and the music will be to your taste. Overall this was a disappointing experience and would definitely not consider this a 5 star hotel, perhaps more a 2-3 star at most.
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  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
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