Royal Island Resort and Spa

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Asukoht: Horubadhoo, Baa atoll
Hea tagasiside, Paaridele
Hotelli koduleht


Royal Island Resort and Spa hotellil on lopsakas troopiline aed, kõrged palmid ja viigipuud. Rikkalik veealune maailm ning ookeani selge vesi. Mugavates villades on elegantne interjöör ja mööbel. Terrassilt avaneb imeline vaade ookeanile või troopilise aeda. Hotellis on Araamu spaakeskus, mida ümbritseb lopsakas troopiline aed koos dekoratiivsete tiikidega. Spakeskus pakub laias valikus erinevaid massaaže ja spaahooldusi, mis põhinevad Tai, India, Indoneesia, Maldiivide ja Hawaii traditsioonilistel tehnikatel. Royal Island Resort & Spa teenuste hulka kuuluvad: bassein, 2 tenniseväljakut, squash, veespordikeskus, Delphise sukeldumiskeskus, aeroobikatunnid, paadimatkad, klaaspõhjaga laevareisid, kalapüük, piljard, ekskursioonid ja meelelahutusprogrammid. Hotelli restoranist avaneb hingekosutav vaade ookeanile ning see pakub erinevaid kohalikke ja rahvusvahelisi roogasid. Restoran Raabondhi pakub värskeimaid mereande, grillroogasid ja temaatilisi õhtusööke. Boli baar on mõnus koht lõõgastumiseks ja piljardi mängimiseks, Fun Pub pakub suures valikus jooke, seal toimuvad ka diskod ja karaokeõhtud. Basseinibaaris pakutakse lahedaid kokteile, mahlasid, õlut ja veini ning Palm Terrace Bar pakub erinevaid jooke, kergeid suupisteid ja pärastlõunateed. Royal Island Resort & Spa pakub suurepäraseid tingimusi mugavaks ja nauditavaks puhkuseks. Sobib perepuhkus ja romantiliseks puhkuseks paaridele.


  • Royal Island Resort & Spa asub Harubadhoo saarel, Baa atoll
  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 118 km kaugusel


  • Korallid
  • Wi-Fi
  • Ärikeskus
  • Arst
  • Interneti kohvik
  • Poed
  • Valuutavahetus
  • Krediitkaardimakse
  • Pesumaja
  • Seif vastuvõtus
  • Suveniiripood
  • Ekskursiooniprogrammid
  • Pulmatseremooniad
  • Juveelipood

Hotell pakub teenuseid traditsiooniliste Maldiivide pulmatseremooniate korraldamiseks noorpaaridele.


Beach Villa / Sunset Beach Villa

  • Toa suurus umbes 57 m2
  • Asub rannas, privaatne rannaala
  • Konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi
  • Vann
  • Dušš
  • Välidušš
  • Mullivann
  • Sussid
  • Hommikumantel
  • Rätikud
  • Föön
  • Minibaar
  • DVD-mängija
  • CD-mängija
  • Telefon
  • Kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • Seif
  • TV
2 Bedroom Family Beach Villa

  • Toa suurus umbes 114 m2
  • Asub rannas, privaatne rannaala
  • 2 tuba, 2 vannituba
  • Koosneb kahest Beach Villa’st
  • Konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi
  • Vann
  • Dušš
  • Välidušš
  • Mullivann
  • Sussid
  • Hommikumantel
  • Rätikud
  • Föön
  • Minibaar
  • DVD-mängija
  • CD-mängija
  • Telefon
  • Kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • Seif
  • TV
2 Bedroom Beach Pool Residence

Beach Pool Residence koosneb kahest magamistoast, elutoast, köögist, mullivanniga vannitoast ning väikese basseini ja mullivanniga verandast. Internet/ Wi-Fi (tasuta), sülearvuti rent (tasuta). Ruumi sisustus on valmistatud haruldasest merabu puidust.

  • Toa suurus umbes 257 m2
  • Asub rannas, privaatne rannaala
  • 2 magamistuba, elutuba
  • Bassein
  • Konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi
  • Vann
  • Dušš
  • Välidušš
  • Mullivann
  • Sussid
  • Hommikumantel
  • Rätikud
  • Föön
  • Minibaar
  • DVD-mängija
  • CD-mängija
  • Telefon
  • Kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • Seif
  • TV

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Rattarent
  • Elav muusika
  • Temaatilised õhtusöögid (lisatasu)
  • Sulgpallivarustus
  • Tenniseväljak (lisatasu)
  • Tennisevarustus (lisatasu)
  • Õhtune meelelahutus
  • Võimalused veespordi harrastamiseks (lisatasu)
  • Ööklubi/DJ
  • Meelelahutusmeeskond
  • Snorgeldamine (lisatasu)
  • Seinatennis (squash)
  • Sukeldumine (lisatasu)
  • Kanuusõit (lisatasu)
  • Nooleviskemäng
  • Purjelauasõit (lisatasu)
  • Karaoke
  • Lauatennis
  • Piljard
  • Mängude tuba
  • Kalastamine (lisatasu)
Saada meile hotelli päring

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Dietmar DrossDietmar Dross
21:32 08 Jun 24
Island with many faults, 5 stars are not justified, neither by the food nor by the rooms, it is an old island, the transport there and back is an absolute disgrace, waiting up to 7 hours in Male for the onward flight, and back with a stopover on another island and all without air conditioning, that's worth a maximum of 1 star.We will come back but definitely not to Royal Island.I could write a lot more about what we found negative, it was our 19th time in the Maldives, which means we can compare, most of the 4 star resorts we visited are better.What's worth 5 stars are the many lovely and very nice employees in all areas who don't wear bright outerwear, there's nothing wrong with them.Many of the pictures on the internet do not reflect the island, the beaches are very small, 20% of the island is no longer habitable because the water is almost up to the bungalow door. We had no warm water for almost 3 days and and and...
Orkinta BouliOrkinta Bouli
20:28 23 May 24
I had the best holiday. The staff was amazingReception staff especially Minimol was very helpful for everything. Very happy with the maintenance of the resort the housekeeping, chefs, everyone was great staff and very friendly, kind and helpful 😀
Václav IBLVáclav IBL
09:50 12 May 24
Ralf SchlachtRalf Schlacht
10:30 10 May 24
A paradise with very good food, drinks and very friendly staff!
antonio baldoantonio baldo
19:25 06 May 24
Wonderful place, very well inserted into nature, wonderful animals, hermit crabs, turtles, sharks, fish of all colors, breeds, etc. etc. Absolutely spectacular
Martina MedvedMartina Medved
11:01 25 Dec 23
We had such a wonderful time there! ♥️ This was the best vacation ever! We celebrated our honeymoon there. Where to begin ... Overall it was a very pleasant experience. We were staying in cute Beach villa with lots of privacy. The staff and service was excellent! Very friendly and they were always looking for solutions. We want to thank Kath, who was always quickly responsive to our requests and took care of us all the time. When my husband needed medical help, it was arranged so professionally and they dedicated so much time to his problems, with tranquility and genuine interest in him. Special thanks goes to Dr. Angkan and nurse Vimala.Mithail in restaurant was so caring, he always checked if my husband feels better. He even brought him extra soup, cooked only for him, which was not on the menu, and coconut water with electrolites to feel better! Kavya was always at the front door of the restaurant to welcome us with big smile. We loved eating breakfast and dinner accompanied by positive and optimistic Kishore. Razis and Neyan took care about our villa, room keeping cleaned the villa twice a day! And surprised us with such a lovely bed decorations, even manta ray. 🙂 Now, at home, we still talk about this vacation and we miss extraordinary food we ate there. Thanks to chefs Madeleine, Mahesh, Damith, whose food melted in our mouth! I loved their Padang and shrimps in sweet chilli sauce. There was always such a big choice and many international cuisine options to choose!If you are looking for rest and tranquility, go for this vacation. It's so worth it! ♥️ It's a beautiful and calm area with good preserved underwater world. Do snorkeling everyday and relax all your senses. So much to see there, only in front of your door! We daily saw baby sharks, bigger sharks, manta ray, all beautiful colorful fish ... Resort is led with respect to nature and island's inhabitants. We didn't see any disadvantage there. We felt like at home there. 🙂 Atmosphere there is so homey, laid-back and easy, but at the same time, staff is so well organized and professional, that there is nothing you could miss there - everything needed is always provided. We strongly recommend Royal Island Resort, it's heaven on Earth!
Markus KurbesMarkus Kurbes
23:01 21 Dec 23
Nice Resort but be aware of special excursions. If you are booking a private timeout on the nearby sandbank be aware that this agreement just fits for Transport. There can be other visitors from your or other islands around. Therefore the much cheaper group experience is really the same same but much cheaper…. But to be fair about the location or how clean the room the rooms are,… nothing to complain about this. Clean rooms and mostly friendly employees. Very close to Hanifaru bay which will nearly guarantee you an close encounter with Manta rays.
Indy SIndy S
12:11 18 Dec 23
We stayed here for 4 nights in the garden facing rooms. The good things first. This resort is located in a small island in Baa Atoll and is very well kept and beautiful. Full points to the gardener and the staff who maintain the green space in the island. The food in the main restaurant (buffet meals) was very good and lot of variety. They keep the non-adventurous western guests in mind for the food and give them lot of choices so they feel at home :) The staff on ground is super friendly; although I cannot say the same for management. The management is mostly there to make money and is very inflexible to any requests you have that is not in their rule book. The island is very scenic, lots of instagram opportunities. The waters around has very good snorkelling opportunities - sea life is plentiful and you can spot a lot of exotic creatures. The area is full of baby black tip reef sharks.I would recommend only going here all inclusive as your budget would take a beating for every little thing you would like to do there. Food and drink prices are astronomical and every little bit of "extra" service that you ask for costs a lot of "extra" money. The day trips are expensive. I would recommend to go stay 4-5 days in a guest house in a local island nearby and do your day trips from there at 1/3 the price. Once you are in the island you are stuck with their products and their prices - you have no other option. Their airport transfer service is also very expensive - it is not very fair to charge customer with a huge markup. Arrange your own transfer if you can.
Melissa SuniagaMelissa Suniaga
04:04 13 Dec 23
The staff is incredibly friendly, informative and helpful. The rooms are very comfortable and the views from the beach villas are great. All facilities are great. Even the gym is very complete. There is plenty of variety of food and everything is delicious with plenty of options for all dietary requirements.
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
  • Hotelli kirjelduses märgitud toitu ja jooke serveeritakse hotelli juhtkonna poolt kehtestatud kontseptsiooni alusel.
  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
  • Hotelli kodulehel leitavat informatsiooni haldab ja ajakohastab hotell. Reisibürool ja Reisikorraldajal puudub vastutus antud veebilehel avaldatud teabe kohta.
  • Skyekspert veebileheküljele postitatud fotod on illustratiivse tähendusega, mistõttu võivad hotellitoa värv, mööbel, planeering, toa tegelik seisukord, hotelli territoorium erineda.
  • Skyekspert pakub teavet hotellide kohta tuginedes ainult hotellide klassifikatsioonile, mille esitab hotelli administratsioon ning reisikorraldajad.