Royal Lagoons Aqua Park & Resort

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Asukoht: Hurghada, Egiptus
Soodne valik, Tagasihoidlik


Hea asukohaga hotell promenaadi lõpus, El Mamsha tänava lähedal, kus on palju baare, diskoteeke ja poode. Tegemist on oma kategoorias tagasihoidliku hotelliga, 5* kvaliteedile pigem ei vasta, hea valik pretensioonitule kliendile, tagasihoidliku eelarvega puhkuseks noortele ja peredele.


  • Kaugus liivarannast umbes 1,5 km
  • Kaugus kuurordi keskusest on umbes 6 km (Hurghada)
  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 4 km (Hurghada)
  • Kindlatel kellaaegadel viivad randa bussid


Avatud 2007 aastal. Viimati renoveeritud 2016 aastal. Koosneb 3-korruselisest peamajast, kahest 4-korruselisest, kahe- ja kolmekorruselistest hoonetest. Kokku 366 tuba

  • Renoveeritud 2016 a
  • Tubade arv – 366
  • Pearestoran
  • A’ la Carte restoran (üks kord puhkuse kohta tasuta, lisatasu eest)
  • Fuajeebaar
  • Rannabaar
  • Basseinibaar
  • Disko (lisatasu eest)
  • Konverentsisaal
  • Internet (lisatasu eest)
  • WiFi (paiguti hotelli territooriumil, lisatasu eest)
  • Pesumaja (lisatasu eest)
  • Keemiline puhastus (lisatasu eest)
  • Arst (päringu alusel, lisatasu eest)
  • Pagasiruum
  • Turvakontroll
  • Amfiteater
  • Bassein
  • Lamamistoolid basseini ääres
  • Lamamistoolid rannas
  • Päikesevarjud basseini ääres
  • Päikesevarjud rannas
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres
  • Rannarätikud rannas


  • Erarand
  • Soovitatakse kasutada spetsiaalseid jalanõusid
  • Rannabaar: olemas
  • Rätikud rannas: tasuta
  • Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas: tasuta
  • Liiva-kiviklibune
  • Buss randa: tasuta (iga 30 min. tagant al. kella 9:00st)
  • Sadam


Standard Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 36 m2
  • Kliimaseade
  • Rõdu/terrass
  • Dušš/vann
  • Föön
  • Minibaar
  • Seif
  • Televiisor
Superior Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 38 m2
  • Kliimaseade
  • Rõdu/terrass
  • Dušš/vann
  • Föön
  • Minibaar
  • Seif
  • Televiisor
Junior Suite
  • Toa suurus umbes 58 m2
  • Kliimaseade
  • Rõdu/terrass
  • Dušš/vann
  • Föön
  • Minibaar
  • Seif
  • Televiisor

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Aeroobika
  • Rannavõrkpall
  • Piljard (lisatasu eest)
  • Noolemäng
  • Jõusaal (30 min puhkuseperioodil toa kohta tasuta, lisatasu eest)
  • Lauatennis
  • Tenniseväljak (1 tund toa kohta puhkuseperioodil tasuta)
  • Sukeldumiskeskus (lisatasu eest)
  • Lohesurf (lisatasu eest)
  • Vesivõimlemine
  • Massaaž (lisatasu eest)
  • Veeliumäed basseinis
  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse meelelahutusprogramme


  • Mänguväljak
  • Lastele eraldatud osa täiskasvanute basseinis (soojenduseta)
  • Miniklubi
  • Veeliumäed: 5

Hotelli toitlustus

Olemasolevad toitlustustüübid: Kõik hinnas

Saada meile hotelli päring

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mikko poussa
3 months ago
It is far from a five-star hotel, unlike those advertised on travel agency websites. The staff was nice. Sometimes quite incompetent. Young guys do pigtails and manicures and pedicures and don't really do well at it. I recommend going somewhere outside if you want to have treatments. Cool, yes, but to a Finnish eye, the traces of work in the paintings, etc., are not to be continued. The food was edible, but nothing special. Cleaning is a chore on several days. The beds were made, but towels and water might have to wait until the afternoon/evening. I wouldn't go again right away
Antonio Feduzi
3 months ago
R Khan
3 months ago
We have just returned from our week holidays, I would like to give my honest opinion.Check-in was smooth but people working on the reception need to say Hi Hello and bye with a smile,we were lucky to get a clean room but it was nothing special and toilet were standard .The room were cleaned every day . The food is tasty but almost same everyday and it was a kind of boring for us but everyone is different. The staff in the restaurant were very helpful and kind ,specifically the ladies making omelette in the morning on both ends .The pool are very clean and really good for kids. There is other activities for kids as well like disco etc....It's not a 5 star hotel ,a good 3 star hotel . I would like to give my advice to the owner of the Resort , the price's inside the shops and ATM machine is 3 times more then anywhere in Hurghada, so people are not Stupid . I was charge 200 Egyptian fee for using ATM and outside was only 10 Egyptian. One plug is $3 in the shop and I bought 2 plugs for $2 outside and 35GB Internet for $10 .if you give the same honest cheap price then every tourist will come and buy or use ATM in the hotel and you will see more sale but this is just a common sense .This resort value the money I paid ,but I will not come to this resort again . We all have diarrhea during the stay.we paid $30 to extend 6 hours as the check out was 12 o'clock.
László Rácz
4 months ago
Rainer Duvaldt
4 months ago
In the canteen, the waiters had their own areas, which I think is a bad thing. When I asked the person in the wrong area for a knife, what was missing from my place, I didn't get it? Letu's fryer had a more important cell phone. There was also a big frying table where he put 3 flounder to fry for 10 minutes. from the pig. (Apparently she was bored with her job) There was a very nice and smiling woman baking the omelette. She did the job well, (I don't remember my name, she was a bit round. The other women were slim.) She was a professional, as well as making the spaghetti, the portion was just the right size. others made it too small. More like this here.
Ahmed Ismail
8 months ago
Piotrek Spyrka
8 months ago
Beata Błażewicz
8 months ago
Nice hotel, located on a street with many shops and restaurants, great service, animations every evening, tasty food, cold beer and drinks, spacious rooms, I recommend it and not for millions of coins
tarek hassan
8 months ago
Jakub X
8 months ago
Let's start on the good side. And this is something I have no objections to. First of all, the work of the reception and the staff of the restaurant where breakfast, lunch and dinner are served. And a German animator. This part of the staff is wonderful. And that's it for the positives. Let's start with working at the bar, I never thought that disposable cups, I emphasize disposable ones, would be rinsed, not washed and given to the next person. I can't wrap my head around it. Next case a dark-skinned animator with long braids took my daughter to tennis. After 3 minutes I see her exercising in the swimming pool, I ran up to her and asked her where my child was, to which she replied: What child? Only after a while she said that she had left them at a children's club which I did not know existed and where my daughter was sitting completely alone. No words....The hotel lacks organization, cleanliness and hygiene..
Amr Saad
11 months ago
Am there right now and I do not recommend it at all to anybody, don't get fascinated by the low rates, it's due to the low quality being provided and unreliability the hotel shows, since arrival no support provided, the very basic utilities are missed from the room, by calling the reception multiple times they informed us someone will pay a visit to assist and that didn't happen, by going in person to the reception i managed to grab their attention.Had only one meal, food is fine though . However attitude and support is Null.Would rate it -5 if i could.What a Bummer
Monika Pumprlova
11 months ago
Visited in April, good temperature to swim in the swimming pool and see. Stayed in room 306 with the view to the pools.It is rated 5* but I would rate maybe 3* by the European standard. Decent breakfast, usually egg omelettes, beans, pancakes, salad buffet and loads of pastries and type of bread.Lunch usually choice of chicken and fish and some kind of grilled meat. Good salad buffet, plenty of bread and lovely choice of deserts.Dinner about the same as lunch with choice of Balaclavas.You can also book at other restaurants for a surcharge.Wine is rubbish but for a good bottle of wine is about 10 dollars so not too bad.Go to the swimming pool early and grab the loungers. There is a private beach, bus is running every15 mins, well organized.You can book snorkeling and other trips at the hotel, decent prices, don't forget to haggle or ask around. They will try to get more money from you.
Tash Ah
11 months ago
I thought this was 5* but definitely not. The rooms were decent , not dirty but could be cleaner . I had a baby who was crawling and he was covered in black stains from the floor even after we asked then to mop everyday. Cleaner was very nice and came every day . Food is never good in any hurgada hotel so same here repetitive and yes we got food poisoning also . Animation team there was one boy who was lively and active the rest were boring with miserable faces especially a slim female with long braids who entertained the kids she always looked angry . Hotel is nice but needs updating and proper clean the lounge area smelt damp and sofas were not clean .
Adriana Pop
12 months ago
Not a beach Hotel !They do offer transfers to the beach .Not a family and couples only!Definitely the worst place we ever stayed !The food is just horrible and the same .We had to go out and buy food because 14 days living on what they offered,was impossible.Beautiful pools but dirty from the work around the resort.I can't describe how filthy this place is.Just few photos from our room,bathroom and kids dinning area from the main restaurant.
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