Sandies Baobab Beach

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Asukoht: Sansibar (Nungwi), Tansaania
Rannahotell, Hea tagasiside
Hotelli koduleht


Sandies Baobab Beach Zanzibar asub Nungwi rannapiirkonnas. Kohapeal on erarand ja välibassein. Hotelli restoranis serveeritakse rahvusvahelisi ja Vahemere roogasid. Igal hommikul serveeritakse hommikusööki Rootsi lauas. Aktiivsed külalised saavad Sandyses Baobabi ranna lähedal snorgeldada. Kohalik reisiesindaja võib anda teavet kohalike vaatamisväärsuste ning ekskursioonide kohta. Hea tagasisidega rannahotell.


  • Rannahotell
  • Sandies Baobab Beach Zanzibar asub Nungwi rannapiirkonnas
  • Nungwi Mnarani akvaarium on 1,6 km kaugusel
  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 65 km


  • Wi-Fi fuajees tasuta
  • Pagasiruum
  • Krediitkaardimakse
  • Pesumaja: tasuline
  • Ekskursiooniprogrammid
  • Butiik tüüpi hotell
  • Baar
  • Restoran
  • Esimene rannaliin


  • Erarand
  • Liivarand


Garden Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 25 m2
  • Konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi: tasuline
  • Dušš
  • Mini-külmkapp
  • Kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • Seif toas
  • Sääsevõrk
  • TV
Garden Cottage Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 27 m2
  • Konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi: tasuline
  • Dušš
  • Mini-külmkapp
  • Kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • Seif toas
  • Sääsevõrk
  • TV
Superior Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 38 m2
  • Konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi: tasuline
  • Dušš
  • Mini-külmkapp
  • Kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • Seif toas
  • Sääsevõrk
  • TV
Beach Junior Suite
  • Toa suurus umbes 32 m2
  • Konditsioneer
  • Wi-Fi: tasuline
  • Dušš
  • Mini-külmkapp
  • Kohvi ja tee komplekt
  • Seif toas
  • Sääsevõrk
  • TV

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Õhtused programmid
  • Veesport: tasuline
  • Võrkpalliväljak rannas tasuta
  • Võimlemine tasuta
  • Sukeldumiskeskus: tasuline
  • Noolemängtasuta
  • Lauatennis tasuta
  • Kalapüük: tasuline
  • Snorgeldamine: tasuline


  • Lastetoolid restoranis
  • Laste voodi
  • Lapsehoidja tasuline (soovi korral)

Hotelli toitlustus

  • Kõik Hinnas
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Based on 918 reviews
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Sara Kurtyka
09:19 02 Dec 24
Younes Jaouhari
13:10 01 Dec 24
Extremely unpleasant security! They don't understand anything at all! And don't even try to understand
Paolo Immesi
08:50 01 Dec 24
What can I say, overall an unforgettable experience. The Sandies Baobab still has many things to improve in terms of organization and service but I have no terms of comparison with the other resorts in Zanzibar. Certainly the strong point is the location of the structure, the beach is always very clean. The room is almost always very clean, only one day they didn't come by, not even leaving us bottles of water which we asked for at the bar. The air conditioner leaked water from the first day, fixed on the third day. The service with their times is not very fast "pole, pole", as they say, so make yourself comfortable and be patient. The misunderstanding is around the corner, the staff doesn't understand Italian and we didn't speak English well but neither did any of them, so you often asked for one thing and got another but always with a smile and the usual Hacuna Matata. I found the catering well looked after and looked after, very varied during the week. Delicious fruit, a must, I would have expected much more fish. Thanks to the Egyptian director who was very attentive to the guests' requests and coordinated the room, he organized special tables for us in 2 evenings, making the evenings more lively. A heartfelt thank you to Alan, Silva, Maria Maui for their attention, their service, their smile and courtesy. Among the things that I didn't like but which do not concern the Baobab but the behavior of the guests, is the morning rush to grab the "best" sunbeds and leave them perpetually occupied until the evening even if not used for most of the day . The evening entertainment, however I think it depends on the tour operator, we found it very sparse, albeit with a daily program but truly at the lowest levels in terms of means and involvement. However, we would like to thank Anna and Barbara from Francorosso for their commitment, young girls with a lot of energy who should perhaps be given the possibility of greater economic investment in order to improve this aspect. Even if we don't like nightlife and therefore it might have been fine for us, we took a peek at the VeraClub (3 stars) next door and they really did rock in terms of entertainment. So, 4 stars because one of these goes to the people mentioned in the review and who made our stay live up to the rating, otherwise it would have been 3... for the fifth star there is still a lot to improve.
john fery
21:34 22 Nov 24
The beach is beautiful, well maintainedThe restaurant has a direct sea viewSmiling and friendly staffSpacious and comfortable roomOnly downside: we opted for the all-inclusive option and it turns out that you have to wait until 4 p.m. to be able to drink cocktails; surprising this system because in the Caribbean all-inclusive is really one, you drink what you want at any time
Moreno Passolungo
20:07 22 Nov 24
Stefania Pulzella
04:23 07 Jul 24
Astrid R.
15:33 06 Jul 24
We stayed at Sandies Baobab Beach in mid to late June 2024.It was lovely and wonderful! Best food we have ever eaten in a hotel, very clean and a great atmosphere. Dreamlike!The staff were very helpful and very nice. Everything went smoothly.Special thanks to Ally and Yummah, you are great! Thank you for the special cocktail creations and the nice service and the volleyball game.We would definitely come back and can only recommend it from the bottom of our hearts!All the best from Astrid and Max from Austria
Oscar González
12:51 04 Jul 24
The first day we had some problem in the room and the service and above all the hotel manager was concerned about solving it and changed our room.So far the hotel, the room and the food are great.
Guy-Philippe Bolay
15:56 03 Jul 24
Very good hotel on the edge of Nungwi beach, famous for its beautiful sunsets and low tides, numerous requests on the beach but well secured hotel, simple but quiet entertainment, buffet meal with varied choice, with a birthday marked by the whole team. Some problems with the reservation resolved after a few discussions.
Hassan Jay
18:47 02 Jul 24
Really nice hotel with great food and service. the workers are very friendly and helpful and there’s lot to do nearby. The beach in this hotel is absolutely beautiful and would definitely recommend
Elda Cascino
16:04 08 Jun 24
Absolutely perfect. The only thing I could say is that we would have stayed there forever! :) access to the beach, superb service and the suite is very clean, food was awesome and the buffet is great as many things were cooked on the spot! The staff also organized things to surprise me since it was my birthday! I will never forget this experience and it will stay forever in my heart 💓 thank you so much!
09:04 13 May 24
This was an excellent stay for our family. The resort was beautiful, the food was excellent and there were a lot of healthy options. Great seafood and vegetables with the all inclusive buffet, and tons of options for the kids. The all inclusive drinks were fantastic also. Staff were very kind and helpful. We even took them up on the free Swahili lessons. My daughter still remembers some of the words. I hope to be back. Excellent.
Zitong Z
12:58 19 Feb 24
DO NOT book any snorkeling or dolphin-watching activities at the hotel's reception!!!!!!During our four-day visit to Zanzibar, we chose Sandies Baobab for our stay. Initially, the resort seemed good, offering decent amenities and meals, and we trusted them, but they severely betrayed our trust! Never book any snorkeling or dolphin-watching activities through the hotel's reception!!!We though that a resort of this star level would collaborate with professional dive centers or guides for aquatic activities. So, we booked a dolphin-watching and snorkeling excursion with hotel pickup at the reception.We set off early in the morning to a beach near Mnemba. The two young men who were operating the boat barely spoke English and their boat lacked any equipment. There were no lifebuoys, life jackets, or flippers - nothing at all!!! Moreover, the weather was bad that morning, with rain, strong wind, and big waves!!!We emphasized the poor weather conditions and the need for safety equipment for many times, but they didn’t understand and just took us to the snorkeling spot, hoping we would quickly get into the water. At that moment, we realized that the hotel had arranged for us completely unreliable "beach boys" (a term we learned later from a professional diving center for these untrustworthy operators), with boats that had none of the necessary equipment. We strongly refused to get into the water and demanded to be taken back to shore to find our driver and return to the hotel.After finding the driver, we faced another round of hassle: it felt like the hotel's activity was outsourced multiple times, and the last link was this driver finding these beach boys. He was reluctant to take us back directly, wanting us to get back on the boat and complete the process so he could get paid. For safety reasons, we didn't argue with him but told him we were willing to pay but needed to return to the hotel to change clothes first. He agreed, but insisted on trying to get us to pay him from $250 to $200 to $150, all the while slowing down the car. Throughout, we tried not to anger him to avoid him stopping the car and forcing us to pay. I kept distracting him by chatting about various things and dragging out the conversation, making the 40-minute ride feel incredibly long. Finally, when we reached the resort entrance, he was unwilling to drive further or let us out.We managed to get into the resort and quickly approached the reception. The reception manager came out, trying to smooth things over by asking us to pay first. We were furious and questioned her: How could they hand us over to a beach boy with no safety equipment or qualifications, and how dare you expect us to pay? We came for a vacation, not to be put in danger.The front desk lady backed down, saying we should return to our rooms to rest and not worry about payment or anything else for now; she would look into it. Of course, there was no follow-up. No apology!!!!no feedback!!!
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