Aqua Park Village

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Asukoht: Kreeta (Hersonissos), Kreeka
Tagasihoidlik kuid populaarne valik, Veeliumäed
Hotelli koduleht


Aqua Park Village hotell asub 3 rannajoonel, Hersonissose piirkonnas. Vaatamata merele eraldatud kaugusele on see hea valik lastega peredele. Tagasihoidlik valik oma kategoorias, sobib pretensioonitule kliendile.


  • Rannahotell, III liin rannast
  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 30 km
  • Lähim linn:Hersonissos
  • Kaugus lähima linnani umbes 1.5 km (Hersonissos)
  • Hotell asub mäe otsas
  • Hotelli asukoht ei sobi liikumisraskustega kliendile
  • Kaugus liiva-kiviklibu rannast on umbes 800 m


  • Arst (lisatasu eest)
  • Parkla
  • Jalgratta laenutus (lisatasu eest)
  • Autorent (lisatasu eest)
  • Restoran
  • Tubade arv – 440
  • WiFi (paiguti hotelli territooriumil)
  • TV-tuba
  • Motorolleri laenutus (lisatasu eest)
  • Hotelli ametlik kategooria – 4*
  • Basseinid – 2
  • Basseinibaarid
  • Lamamistoolid basseini ääres
  • Lamamistoolid rannas (lisatasu eest)
  • Päikesevarjud basseini ääres
  • Päikesevarjud rannas (lisatasu eest)
  • Fuajeebaar
  • Lastebassein
  • Veeliumäed


  • Ranna tüüp: munitsipaalrand
  • Kalda tüüp: kivik-libune
  • Lamamistoolid: tasuline
  • Päikesevarjud: tasuline
  • Buss randa: tasuta
  • Kaugus liiva-kiviklibu rannast on umbes 800 m


Doudle Room Garden View / Sea View
  • Toa suurus umbes 22 m2
  • Aiavaade / Merevaade (erinevad kategooriad)
  • Terrass / rõdu
  • Konditsioneer individuaalne
  • Wi-Fi
  • Dušš
  • Vann / dušš
  • Föön
  • Telefon
  • Mini-külmkapp
  • Seif toas: tasuline
  • TV
Family Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 27 m2
  • Aiavaade / Merevaade (erinevad kategooriad)
  • Narivoodi
  • Terrass / rõdu
  • Konditsioneer individuaalne
  • Wi-Fi
  • Dušš
  • Vann / dušš
  • Föön
  • Telefon
  • Mini-külmkapp
  • Seif toas: tasuline
  • TV

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse meelelahutusprogramme
  • Lauatennis
  • Piljard (lisatasu eest)
  • Lauamängud
  • Veeliumäed basseinis
  • Tenniseväljakud


  • Mänguväljak
  • Beebivoodi
  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse lastele meelelahutusprogramme
  • Beebitool restoranis
  • Lastebassein
  • Veeliumäed

Hotelli toitlustus

  • Kõik Hinnas

Kõk Hinnas kontseptsioon kehtib: -restoranis, -baaris, -basseinibaaris

Pearestoran – Rootsi laud, Kreeka ja rahvusvaheline köök
Fuajeebaar, avatud kella 18.00-22.00*
Troopiline basseinibaar, avatud kella 11.00-22.00*, kohviaeg kell 16.00-17.30*
“Kõik hinnas” kontseptsioon sisaldab kohalikke alkohoolseid (õlu, vein, ouzo, raki, brändi), kuumaid (tee, kohv) ja alkoholivabu (kontsentreeritud mahlad) jooke; Toitlustus: hommikusöök, lõunasöök, õhtusöök
*-Kellaajad võivad muutuda

Saada meile hotelli päring

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Based on 628 reviews
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Bożena Włodarska
11:31 13 Nov 24
Cool holidays, all the food is amazing, aqua park, 2 slides forchildren and the rest are closed, but still nice. You can walk 1 kilometer down the hill, but if you go uphill, you have to order a taxi. Prices are the same as in Poland, quiet at night. There are events in the mini bar every day. Cleaning ladies every day.
Happy Taxi
04:01 09 Oct 24
18:28 26 Sep 24
The hotel has potential, but everything goes wrong, including the food and drink, which is terrible.
Gavin Wright
11:10 25 Sep 24
Avoid at all costs! Everybody ,including the staff, is miserable.. food is lousy. Flies buzzing around.. maggots found in the unidentifiable meat. Maggots found in the beetroot. I was ill for a day and couldn't leave the apartment. My three children refused to eat there, so we had deliveries or went out for the next ten days, so much for all-inclusive. two people got burgled. The resort was shabby and ran down . The so-called taxi service ran when it felt like. Do go visit Crete , the people are friendly and warm. The food is amazing, the beaches superb, but this resort will not be any of that. It will be misery and a waste of your time and money..BE WARNED ⚠️
Jarosław Grzegorczyk
18:30 21 Sep 24
Pete Fellows
15:38 04 Jul 24
This is my experience, I wish I had the 5 star ones you see.The main pool is good, the kiddies pool looks alright although the Sun loungers at that pool are wooden.Some things are issues that really need fixing, others are pet peeves.The air con in the room trips out after around 5 minutes. When it’s 30 degrees outside and hotter inside, it’s hard to get sleep. Reported to reception and after looking down a list of about 40 room numbers, added mine to it and said someone would come to look at it. Still waiting. If that worked, everything else would seem more acceptable but sweltering all night is neither relaxing or fun. And trying to get changed for dinner in excessive heat isn’t great either.The room is basically half of a ‘quad room’ separated from the next room by a wooden door, meaning there is no privacy. Can hear a lady next door every time she coughs.The food is ok but very little is labelled. And as it is under hot lights, everything looks orange and is hard to identify. One food that was labelled at lunch was called ‘white feathers’. So that didn’t help much. There is plenty of salad to have a go at.It’s the first all inclusive I’ve ever stayed at where soft drinks aren’t self service at the pool bar. Very little is included drinks wise.The receptionists are disinterested and pretty ineffective. They’ve not resolved any issues and I’m not surprised given by their general lack of enthusiasm.I stayed at a similar rated hotel in Lanzarote 6 months ago and it’s like night and day. I’ve given this hotel 2 stars because that’s what it should be rated as, for my experience.
Dandik Dandies
04:11 03 Jul 24
Marietta Michalak
18:14 02 Jul 24
Despite the great fears that accompanied the trip to this hotel, I rate it as a plus. When we read the comments, we were full of anxiety. However, we were positively surprised. The rooms are ok, some are newer, some are older, but they are still clean. Towels and room cleaning every day. They also clean the pools every morning. Some slides were closed, but there were others that you could use as much as you wanted. The food was the same as everywhere. The service was very nice and helpful. The hotel is located on a hill, which is tiring when returning from the city, but the location also provides wonderful views of the sea. The only downside is the small number of baskets in the swimming pools and the lack of bottled water. The hotel is rated 4 stars. We know that these are European hotels, so the standards cannot be compared to Turkey or Egypt. In general, I recommend it, it's ok
Billy Loudon
06:09 01 Jul 24
Arrived 2 days ago very friendly and helpful staff also a very chilled environment the slide are great all the pools are good arcade decent this hotel is for all ages the food is good not all of it but that comes down to preference in I see a lot of bad reviews about this hotel from my experience there not true this is a great holiday my kids are loving it
Dominika Rzeszutek
20:55 17 Jun 24
A month before, the organizer cancels the hotel stay, lack of professionalism. I don't recommend it to anyone
László Halmos
08:20 03 Jul 19
Staff was friendly, whatever we asked they helped.The room where we stayed was OK for a family of 4 (kids 6 and 9).The pool area with slides was the center of the attraction for our kids.Food was also OK, we alwyas found something, wide range of sweets/desserts ;)A bit distant from the seaside but they operate a shuttle bus to and from to the beach.One more thing, the tiles at the pool area are extremely slippery when they are wet. Be careful with that.
Mihai Constanciuc
06:00 21 Jun 19
Acceptable! Rated as 4 star hotel the building is more like 3 star. Room service acceptable but could be better. Good thing is the 5 pools and the slides and it's great for kids. In the evenings they have a programme with song and dance for kids. As the rest of most activities everything is for their Russian guests. So, staff would speak Russian but struggle with English. Songs for kids would be in Russian and "maybe" one in English. We have noticed a few english speaking families and the fact that the hotel staff are meant to entertain their main customer, no inclusion of others at all. Not even their second big customer Polish guests. The beach was quite far and a very steep hill to climb on the way back. They do use a van to take am bring people from the beach but at some point the van broke down and they started to use a smaller one which than this small trip became a burden.Likely, we had good weather and we managed to relax by the pool.
Andre Love
09:41 17 Jul 18
I am departing today after 6 days at the aqua sun village hotel. My family (five of us) had a fabulous time during our stay. The rooms were extremely clean, the food was great and the air conditioning was awesome. The staff and the level of service they provided was the best. I can't say enough about them. They epitomized the definition of going above and beyond. The manager and staff provided prompt service with a smile. They shuttled us into town, provided all the information we requested, helped us book trips and gave us tips to avoid the typical tourist mistakes.The manager checked on us everyday to make sure things were fine. Also, our sons have major food allergies and the head chef would meet my wife and boys at every meal. He would take them around the buffet and show them everything that was safe to eat. We are very grateful for the service the team provided during our stay and they were always available. The hotel complex is great for families with young children. We plan to stay here the next time we visit Crete!
Rob Raine
19:12 16 Jul 18
When you're reading the reviews here, keep one thing in mind: this hotel is excellent value for money. It is not perfect - most of what you can read here will be true - in that person's experience, at least. It's on a hill (how can that be a surprise?), so you'll get some exercise going up and down - but to see the best of Crete you'll want a rental car anyway and there's one right by the hotel (and many more in town). The food isn't made with the best cuts of meat, and can get a little repetitive - so get some fresh food from town. We saw room service every day, though they could improve their attitude. While we were there, the TVs were changed to new flat screens, and they were replacing a boiler to improve the hot water. WiFi is only available in the reception area (so get a cheap data SIM) - but you're on holiday: forget the Internet! But there's water slides and a pool right there, and it's all inclusive. And for all of that, we paid an average of something like €30 per person per night. Fantastic.
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
  • Hotelli kirjelduses märgitud toitu ja jooke serveeritakse hotelli juhtkonna poolt kehtestatud kontseptsiooni alusel.
  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
  • Hotelli kodulehel leitavat informatsiooni haldab ja ajakohastab hotell. Reisibürool ja Reisikorraldajal puudub vastutus antud veebilehel avaldatud teabe kohta.
  • Skyekspert veebileheküljele postitatud fotod on illustratiivse tähendusega, mistõttu võivad hotellitoa värv, mööbel, planeering, toa tegelik seisukord, hotelli territoorium erineda.
  • Skyekspert pakub teavet hotellide kohta tuginedes ainult hotellide klassifikatsioonile, mille esitab hotelli administratsioon ning reisikorraldajad.

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