Eftalia Splash Resort

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Asukoht: Alanya (Turkler), Tügri
Veepark, Aktiivne puhkus, Peredele
Koduleht: https://eftaliahotels.com/


Eftalia Hotels on suur hotellide kompleks Alanyas, mis koosneb viiest erinevast, üksteisele lähedal asuvatest 5-tärni hotellidest: Eftalia Aqua Resort Hotel, Eftalia Marin Hotel, Eftalia Ocean Hotel, Eftalia Village Hotel, Eftalia Splash Resort Hotel. Hotellide kontseptsioon on suunatud lastega peredele, kuid rõõmsat ja mõnusat puhkust Eftalia hotellides leiab iga tüüpi reisija. Eftalia Hotels puhkekompleksi eripära ja tõmbenumbriks on suur veepark ning 80.000 m2 suurune meelelahutus ja puhkekompleks – Eftalia Island. Hotellid on tagasihoidlikud oma kategoorias, hea valik pretensioonitule kliendile, puhkamiseks lastega peredele.


  • 110 km Antalya lennujaamast
  • 4 km Konakli külast
  • 600 m rannast


Eftalia Hotels puhkekompleks asub 100 km kaugusel Antalya lennujaamast, 18 km kaugusel Alanya keskusest ning 4 km kaugusel kohaliku kuurorti keskusest (Konakli). Külastajad saavad puhkamiseks valida ühe viiest hotellist, millel on kõigil olemas otseühendus Eftalia Island’iga. Eftalia Island on Türgi Riviera suurim, 80.000 m2 suur ja 950 meetrit pikk rannikuala. Täpsemalt on tegu eraranna meelelahutusalaga, mis on loodud spetsiaalselt Eftalia hotellide külalistele ning kus ootavad puhkajaid erinevad basseinid, veepark, meelelahutus ning restoranid, kus pakutakse erinevate maailma köökide hõrgutisi, lisaks sellele ööelu pidude ja diskoga. Lastele pakuvad kindlasti tundideks meelelahutust suur veepark, kus on muuhulgas 14 veeliumäge ning lastele mõeldud klubi. Tänu suurepärasele puhkusekompleksi infrastruktuurile ning kontseptsioonile, meeldivad Eftalia hotellid eriti lastele, sest tegemist jätkub siin kogu puhkuse ajaks.

 Eftalia hotellid 5* kategoorias on tagasihoidliku tasemega
 Eftalia Hotels puhkekompleksi kontseptsioon suunatud lastega peredele, Eftalia hotellides kehtib lastevanus kuni 14 a.
 Eftalia Hotels hotellide teenused ja territooriumid ei ole ristkasutuses kuid kõikidel hotellidel on üks meelelahtu ala – Eftalia Island
 Tagasihoidlikud hotellid oma kategoorias, sobivad pretensioonitule kliendile. Hotellidel on õigus pakutavaid teenuseid muuta, samuti võib hooaja jooksul muutuda hotelli hinnapoliitika ning kontseptsioon. Hotellidel on õigus hooaja alguses ja lõpus osasid teenuseid mitte osutada.

Eftalia Splash Resort – ehitatud 2013.  aastal. Koosneb ühest 6-korruselisest hoonest. Kokku 290 tuba.

  • Pesumaja
  • Juuksur
  • Basseinid: 1
  • Baarid: 6
  • Konverentsisaalid: 1
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres: tagatisega
  • Spaa-keskus
  • Restoranid: 1
  • Sisebasseinid: 1
  • Arst väljakutsel
  • Veepark
  •  Meelelahutuskompleks
  • A la carte restoranid: 4
  • Päikesevarjud, lamamistoolid ja madratsid basseini ääres: tasuta
  • WiFi tasuta
  • Kauplused


  • Rannabaar: tasuta
  • Erarand
  • Liiva-kiviklibune
  • Rätikud rannas: tagatisega
  • Lamamistoolid, päikesevarjud ja madratsid rannas: tasuta


Standard tuba (ca 28 m2), Large tuba (ca 32 m2), Family tuba (ca 32 m2)

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Jalgpalliväljak tasuta
  • Lauatennis tasuta
  • Noolemäng tasuta
  • Jõusaal tasuta
  • Korvpall tasuta
  • Türgi saun (hammam) tasuta
  • Vesiaeroobika tasuta
  • Diskoteek tasuta
  • Aeroobika tasuta
  • Massaaž tasuline
  • Meelelahutusprogramm tasuta
  • Aurusaun tasuline
  • Veesport tasuline
  • Elav muusika tasuta
  • Tennise reketide ja pallide rent tasuline
  • Tenniseväljak tasuta
  • Saun tasuta
  • Tenniseväljaku valgustus tasuline
  • Rannavõrkpall tasuta
  • Mänguautomaadid tasuline
  • Meelelahutuskompleks
  • Veepark


  • Veeliumäed
  • Miniklubi
  • Mänguväljak
  • Meelelahutuskompleks
  • Veepark

Hotelli toitlustus

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Eftalia Splash Resort
Based on 2280 reviews
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13:10 24 Sep 24
We were very pleased with the sister Ayşe who worked in the Waffle section, she was very sweet and smiling.Thanks a lot
Sanayi KrallığıSanayi Krallığı
08:39 24 Sep 24
Clean hotel, good service, very useful for children
Bogumila JuszkowiczBogumila Juszkowicz
08:18 24 Sep 24
Leigh JarrettLeigh Jarrett
13:16 23 Sep 24
beautiful place, good staff, food becomes a bit repetitive but the people are so friendly and the slides are good for the kids, would go again for sure
Monika WMonika W
07:01 22 Sep 24
Very poor hotel.We were talked into a better room for 100 euros more, but of course we decided not to. We received a room overlooking the construction mess with a wake-up call at 5.30 from a nearby mosque. The bathroom was flooded every day and there was an incredible stench coming from the pipes. We reported it several times and no one did anything about it. The hotel staff seemed to be a punishment, the drinks were poor and poor. Food, of course, you can choose something, but for us it was monotonous. The only plus are swimming pools and slides for children. There was a lot of it in front of the hotel and on the island. And that's all. The coffee was undrinkable, and the sweets were undrinkable and covered in syrup. .The hotel deserves ns three stars.
Keith DredgeKeith Dredge
16:11 29 May 24
The 4-star Eftalia Splash Resort is situated in the stunning Alanya resort, Antalya. The hotel sits within easy striking distance of a gorgeous national park. With a great range of facilities and comfortable accommodation, this hotel is ideal for couples and families seeking a fun and relaxing beach holiday.Air conditioned, contemporary styled rooms come with all the amenities you’d expect, including WiFi, a private bathroom and a furnished balcony or terrace. All rooms are designed to accommodate couples and families. The hotel also places great emphasis on inclusivity and offers facilities for guests with disabilities.Top Starts 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟
Gary OneillGary Oneill
08:34 28 May 24
Amazing, first time in Turkey and it never failed to impress me. Food was different everyday and tasty. The staff work so hard keeping the area clean. There's so much to do on site, beers not that good on all inclusive but its cold and refreshing in the heat. Definitely coming back.
Nicky HickmanNicky Hickman
10:48 25 Apr 24
Have just come back from 10 days at Eftalia Splash, and it was amazing... the staff are brilliant and help you as much as they can. The hotel it self is brilliant, the room was lovely and clean as well as the restaurant and around the pool area, the have multiplepools and slides. The entertainment was bang on, yes you do have people approach you for cocktails and entertainment team try and get you involved with games etc but you don't have to... the island is fantastic too with pools and slides too. We had a great time and will be booking again
Timothy WoolacottTimothy Woolacott
09:44 24 Apr 24
We had an amazing week here. The staff were very friendly,the food was perfect every day and I loved the fresh omelettes for breakfast,the pools were clean and great fun for our family holiday
Ash JordanAsh Jordan
13:49 15 Apr 24
Before I booked this hotel, I must admit I was a little apprehensive as there are some negative reviews but since going, I can only honestly say the negative reviews are really unfair.We couldn’t be happier.I think it is important that people understand that you are visiting an area where tourism is the major source of income, so yes, you will be offered “upgrades” as soon as you arrive and you will be asked if you want day trips, spa treatments or cocktails etc but ultimately, people are trying to make a living and from what I purchased, it was often worth it even if you did need to haggle a little to get the best price, for me, this is all part of travelling to Turkey.My point is, please don’t allow your first interaction to dictate how you feel about the hotel, we said no thank you to the upgrade and I am grateful we did.We are a large family, 4 children and we found the hotel to be lovely, clean and above all else, exceptionally friendly. Our room was spacious, It was cleaned daily and we were asked several times throughout our stay if everything was ok.The hotel swimming pools played a large part in our decision to stay at the hotel and we were not disappointed, we have 4 kids across various ages and there was a pool with slides suitable for them all and on top of that there’s an “adult” pool too! The slides are great, well maintained and with multiple life guards ensuring they are safely used, we felt comfortable letting our kids on them over and over again.Everything you need is in the hotel directly, they have a hairdresser, shop, clothes shop, perfume/ jewellery store and a spa. My wife really enjoyed the spa.The reviews that really annoyed me in particular were focussed on the food. I have been lucky enough to stay in a few different hotels around the world and few have been better than this. An all inclusive buffet is designed to cater for everyone, from all around the world, so yes, there might be somethings that aren’t to your taste but from what I’ve seen, each member of my family were able to find something every day they were happy with. I found it really varied and tasty and I struggle to believe reviews saying it was cold as there was countless stay continually refreshing the food to ensure it was fresh and hot. The snack bar at this hotel is also a massive plus, between 12&4 they provide burgers, pizza, chips and waffles and a variety of other items including a particularly nice traditional flatbread cooked before your eyes (the meat and cheese was my favourite but my 10 year old had cinnamon sugar every day!)The desserts are an absolutely fantastic!The drinks, they are what they are, soft drinks are standard, there are juices for the kids to help themselves too. I didn’t try the wine but other guest told me they loved it. I stuck to Effes which was great and they have a fairly basic spirit coverage (would have been nice to see a rum but you can’t have everything). With 4 kids, we weren’t really there for drinking, but what we had we enjoyed and the bar staff by the adult pool were fantastic and really friendly and were always willing to engage, especially with the kids.Overall, we were really, really happy and the kids have insisted we go again! I found it a perfect little getaway for families that want to be able to relax, knowing their kids are safe and want everything in one place.As we went off season, we didn’t expect entertainment but the animators really pulled through and put on a great show! The absolute highlight of our holiday were the “summer gang” children’s animators as they made every effort to ensure everyone (including the adults) were taking part and having fun! The entertainment started ramping up as we were leaving, but the kids disco was great and we managed to take part in lots of different things all thanks to the animators! In particular Ata and Ava, they were both so friendly, helpful and great with the kids! I honestly believe they are the main reason the kids are in such a hurry to come back!
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
  • Hotelli kirjelduses märgitud toitu ja jooke serveeritakse hotelli juhtkonna poolt kehtestatud kontseptsiooni alusel.
  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
  • Hotelli kodulehel leitavat informatsiooni haldab ja ajakohastab hotell. Reisibürool ja Reisikorraldajal puudub vastutus antud veebilehel avaldatud teabe kohta.
  • Skyekspert veebileheküljele postitatud fotod on illustratiivse tähendusega, mistõttu võivad hotellitoa värv, mööbel, planeering, toa tegelik seisukord, hotelli territoorium erineda.
  • Skyekspert pakub teavet hotellide kohta tuginedes ainult hotellide klassifikatsioonile, mille esitab hotelli administratsioon ning reisikorraldajad.