Holiday Park Resort

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Asukoht: Alanya (Okurcalar), Türgi


Hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhthega hotell, asub mere ääres, hea valik soodsaks perepuhkuseks.


  • Mere ääres
  • Kiviklibu rannas
  • Kaugus kuurordi keskusest on umbes 35 km (Alanya)
  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 85 km (Antalya), 85 km (Gazipasha)


  • Tubade arv – 268
  • Restoran
  • A’ la Carte restoran (avatud juuni keskpaigast kuni septembri keskpaigani)
  • Kohvik
  • Fuajeebaar
  • Baar
  • Suupistebaar
  • Disko
  • Konverentsisaalid – 2
  • Internet (lisatasu eest)
  • WiFi (paiguti hotelli territooriumil)
  • Kauplusteala (lisatasu eest)
  • Juuksur (lisatasu eest)
  • Pesumaja (lisatasu eest)
  • Keemiline puhastus (lisatasu eest)
  • Arst (lisatasu eest)
  • Autorent (lisatasu eest)
  • Mootorratta laenutus (lisatasu eest)
  • Amfiteater
  • Bassein
  • Veepark
  • Lamamistoolid basseini ääres
  • Lamamistoolid rannas
  • Madratsid basseini ääres
  • Madratsid rannas
  • Päikesevarjud basseini ääres
  • Päikesevarjud rannas
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres (lisatasu eest)
  • Rannarätikud rannas (lisatasu eest)
  • Hotelli ametlik kategooria – 5*


Standard Land View
  • Toa suurus umbes 29 m2
  • DuÅ¡Å¡
  • WC
  • Föön
  • Rõdu
  • Konditsioneer(reguleeritav)
  • Telefon
  • Televiisor
  • Minibaar (lisatasu eest)
  • Seif (lisatasu eest)
  • WiFi (lisatasu eest)
  • Maksimaalne majutus – 2+2
Standard Lateral Sea View
  • Toa suurus umbes 29 m2
  • Külgmerevaade
  • DuÅ¡Å¡
  • WC
  • Föön
  • Rõdu
  • Konditsioneer(reguleeritav)
  • Telefon
  • Televiisor
  • Minibaar (lisatasu eest)
  • Seif (lisatasu eest)
  • WiFi (lisatasu eest)
  • Maksimaalne majutus – 2+2
Family Room
  • Toa suurus umbes 35 m2
  • 2 magamistuba
  • DuÅ¡Å¡
  • WC
  • Föön
  • Rõdu
  • Konditsioneer(reguleeritav)
  • Telefon
  • Televiisor
  • Minibaar (lisatasu eest)
  • Seif (lisatasu eest)
  • WiFi (lisatasu eest)
  • Maksimaalne majutus – 4

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Rannavõrkpall
  • Piljard (lisatasu eest)
  • Noolemäng
  • Jõusaal
  • Lauatennis
  • Massaaž (lisatasu eest)
  • Türgi saun koos hoolitsustega (lisatasu eest)
  • Saun
  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse meelelahutusprogramme


  • Lastebassein
  • Miniklubi
  • Mänguväljak
  • Beebivoodi

Hotelli toitlustus

  • Olemasolevad toitlustustüübid: Kõik hinnas
  • A’ la Carte restoranid õhtusöögiks ettetellimisel, külastuste arv on piiratud.
Saada meile hotelli päring

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Based on 1702 reviews
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Edit Merenyi
07:02 23 Oct 24
The hotel is nowhere near 5*ultra The whole hotel smelled of sewage. The whole group became sick from the food, accompanied by vomiting and diarrhea. There were people who couldn't even come on the trip they paid for because of this. The trip home was also problematic because of this.
Arturs Lunte
07:12 22 Oct 24
The scariest vacation trip of our lives. We arrived on October 14, it was a good day. But starting from the next day, there were no more shows in the evenings, entertainment was no longer organized during the day. We had to ask for music by the pool. Everything was taken away, both hardware and sunbeds. The gym was also closed for the last two days. For the last three days, you could see that the food was not fresh, the meat and cheese products were stale and already infested with mosquitoes. The vegetables had become mushy. We were a group of 7 people, 3 of whom ended up in the hospital with food poisoning. Despite the fact that we chose drinks without ice and only drank water from bottles. That's why we ate only french fries and nuggets for the last few days, because they were frozen products that hadn't spoiled yet. The beach bar was closed. All people's claims were answered with one phrase - sezon kaput! No tourist agency was warned that nothing was going to happen. They took the money for the full program, but we got nothing in return. As we found out from the staff, this is the position of the hotel owner, who was brought separately prepared food for each meal, which was not available to the others. Pat did not eat any of the food that was available to the guests. As for cleanliness, the sink and toilet were not cleaned once during the week. We also encountered for the first time the fact that you have to pay a dollar for each towel to change the beach towels.
Jaanus Umboja
11:54 21 Oct 24
Renáta Malinkó
10:34 21 Oct 24
Great place! We spent 1 week here with my family, we had a great time! With kind, attentive staff! I can only recommend it to everyone.
Patryk Żmuda
16:56 20 Oct 24
Andrei Silvanovich
15:22 24 Jun 24
The most terrible hotel, starting from the moment of check-in, when at the reception the creep tries to deceive for money and check into a super terrible room with a view of the homeless, asks to pay 50 € to give a supposedly miraculously vacated room with a sea view, and then assigns children from all sides .The food is very terrible, there is no choice at all, there is an endless crush of people, for such a large hotel there is nothing at all to eat.Alcohol is also a separate issue, there is nothing to drink at all, why pay for UAL if there is absolutely nothing here, even with money you can’t buy anything here, it’s just a garbage dump and you have to spend money in stores to drink normal alcohol, in general the worst place to relax,
Elchin Babayev
12:52 24 Jun 24
Cool animation team, definitely!!
Ceylani Tekeli
08:05 17 Jun 24
The coolest vacation of my entire life, everything was unforgettable Thanks to Oscar^s team,Thanks to all the staff,everyone was polite,frindly,everthing was delicious and Clean.
Daniil Rotermund
17:54 13 Jun 24
11/10 best Hotel everI wish everyone would book a room here, top service, nice food
08:37 26 May 24
A lovely, beautiful hotel! wonderful animation, Oscar's team is just super. Oscar is a wonderful presenter and a kind, responsive person. Nargiza and Emmanuel are just a miracle, the kids are always under supervision! for a family holiday, it is a great choice!
Neag Andrea
17:42 04 May 24
Good value for money! It's a nice hotel, equivalent at 3 European Stars.We reserved a lateral sea view room, and it was a great room: a very big room, clean, renovated, with an amazing view of Adriatic Sea.We were here from 27.04-4.05.24The pools are very clean and the life-guards are very careful, especially with children.The personal is nice, especially Mr. Adnan from the catering area, Mrs Nargiza from the mini-club (activity with kids) and the DJ of the complex: mr Talha.We appreciated that every day were different activities for kids and for adults, and in the evening different shows: acrobatics, disco, circus, Turkish night, dancers from Cuba, etc.The complex is clean, nice, and well maintained.Again, it'a not a hotel for people with very high expectations, but not the price is :))) i say this because you can find minus points like: serving the food, cleaning in the rooms, the beach (has rocks), the presence of russian tourist (in the context with the ucrainian war, this is disturbing).I recommend this hotel especially at the beginning of the season, when it's not crowded.
eltion rama
17:47 05 Apr 24
The rooms so dirty, The personnel very rude. No one smiled at you, only looked at you angrily i dont know way. The massage center was not professional at all. For the food, you have to wait in line as soon as possible because it ran out.For 6 nights they did not replace our towels.Title this review
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
  • Hotelli kirjelduses märgitud toitu ja jooke serveeritakse hotelli juhtkonna poolt kehtestatud kontseptsiooni alusel.
  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
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  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
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