Parrotel Aqua Park Resort

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Asukoht: Sharm el Sheikh (Nabq Bay), Egiptus
Veepargiga, Soodsaks (pere)puhkuseks
Hotelli koduleht


PARROTEL AQUA PARK RESORT asub NABQ BAY piirkonnas, rannast teisel liinil. Hotelli visiitkaart on oma veepark, kus on 25 veeliumäge, kunstlainega bassein ja laisk jõgi. Hotellil on suur roheline ja kaunis ala. PARROTEL AQUA PARK RESORT sobib puhkuseks noortele ja perepuhkuseks koos lastega. Hea hinna ja kvaliteedi suhtega, kui soovite soodsa hinnaga päikselist rannapuhkust pere ja sõprade seltsis. Hotell sobib vähenõudlikule kliendile.

PARROTEL hotellid Sharm el Sheikh’is

PARROTEL AQUA PARK 4**** (veepark)




  • Hotell asub NABQ BAY piirkonnas
  • Kaugus Sharm El Sheikh rahvusvahelisest lennujaamast umbes 7 km
  • Kaugus NAAMA BAY’st umbes 25 km
  • Kaugus vanast linnast umbes 32 km
  • Kaugus SOHO SQUARE’ist umbes 8 km
  • Kaugus merest – teine ​​rannaliin (umbes 400m)
  • Kindlatel kellaaegadel viivad keskusesse bussid (Naama Bay, lisatasu eest)
  • Kindlatel kellaaegadel viivad randa bussid


Hotell avati 2002. aastal. Viimane osaline renoveerimine toimus 2018. aastal. Koosneb peahoonest ja kolmekorruseliste hoonete kompleksist. Kokku on hotellis 401 erinevat kategooria tuba: Standard, Superior, Peretuba, Juuniorsviit.

  • Vetteminekul on korallpõhi
  • Rannas on puidust sild
  • Wi-fi fuajees tasuta
  • Apteek
  • Sularahaautomaat
  • Arst: tasuline
  • Poed
  • Valuutavahetus
  • Pesumaja: tasuline
  • Keemiline puhastus: tasuline

Rand ja Basseinid

  • Erarand
  • Rannajoone pikkus umbes 100 m
  • Lamamistoolid, rannarätikud, päikesevarjud
  • Kai
  • Buss randa (lisatasu, kindlatel aegadel)
  • Lastebassein ilma soojenduseta
  • Veeliumäed
  • Veeliumäed täiskasvanutele
  • Lamamistoolid, rätikud, päikesevarjud
  • 2 peamist basseini (1 soojendusega)
  • Veepark: 25 liumäge (9 liumäge täiskasvanutele, 16 liumäge ja veeatraktsioone lastele)
  • Vetteminekul on korallpõhi
  • Rannas on puidust sild


Standard Room

Aiavaatega tuba. Tubades on ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit. Lisavoodi on üheinimesevoodi või diivan (kui see on toas olemas). Pakutakse ainult ühte lisavoodit. Toad võivad mööbli ja tekstiili poolest erineda.

  • WiFi – ei
  • Toa suurus umbes 33 m2
  • Tubade arv 264
  • Maksimaalne külaliste arv toas (täiskasvanud) 2+2 / 3
  • Vaade toast – aed
  • Terrass / rõdu
  • Konditsioneer
  • Vann / dušs
  • Föön
  • Hügieenitarbed
  • Telefon
  • Seif
  • TV
Superior Room

Vaade aeda või basseinile. Tubades on ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi või kaks üheinimesevoodit. Lisavoodi on üheinimesevoodi või diivan (kui see on toas olemas). Pakutakse ainult ühte lisavoodit.

  • WiFi – ei
  • Toa suurus umbes 46 m2
  • Tubade arv 56
  • Maksimaalne külaliste arv toas (täiskasvanud) 2+2 / 3
  • Vaade toast – aed
  • Terrass / rõdu
  • Konditsioneer
  • Vann / dušs
  • Föön
  • Hügieenitarbed
  • Telefon
  • Seif
  • TV
Family Room
  • WiFi – ei
  • 2 magamistuba
  • Toa suurus umbes 75 m2
  • Tubade arv 69
  • Maksimaalne külaliste arv toas (täiskasvanud) 2+2 / 3+1
  • Vaade toast – aed
  • Terrass / rõdu
  • Konditsioneer
  • Vann / dušs
  • Föön
  • Hügieenitarbed
  • Telefon
  • Seif
  • TV
Junior Suite

Kahetoaline sviit, kus on magamistuba ja elutuba. Vaade basseinile. Magamistoas on ülisuur kaheinimesevoodi. Elutoas on diivan. Lisavoodi on  üheinimesevoodi.

  • WiFi – ei
  • Magamistuba + elutuba
  • Toa suurus umbes 85 m2
  • Tubade arv 12
  • Maksimaalne külaliste arv toas (täiskasvanud) 2+2 / 3+1
  • Vaade toast – aed
  • Terrass / rõdu
  • Konditsioneer
  • Vann / dušs
  • Föön
  • Hügieenitarbed
  • Telefon
  • Seif
  • TV

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Veepark
  • Animatsioon
  • Piljard: tasuline
  • Õhtused programmid
  • Veesport: tasuline
  • Võrkpalliväljak rannas
  • Sukeldumiskeskus: tasuline
  • Päevased spordi- ja meelelahutusprogrammid
  • Lauatennistasuta
  • Jõusaaltasuta
  • Jalgpalliväljak
  • Rahvusvaheline animatsioonigrupp
  • Jõusaal spaakeskuses 16+
  • Sukeldumiskeskus ja veespordikeskus asuvad rannas


  • Lasteklubi
  • Lastebassein
  • Veeliumäed
  • Minidisko
  • Mänguväljak
  • Lastetoolid restoranis
  • Laste voodi tasuta
  • Lasteklubi
  • Laste miniklubi lastele vanuses 4 kuni 12 aastat
  • 4 lastebasseini ja 16 liumäge ning veeatraktsioonid lastele
  • Beebivoodi saadaval soovi korral
  • Lapsehoidja lastele vanuses 4 kuni 12 aastat

Hotelli toitlustus

  • Kõik Hinnas
Saada meile hotelli päring

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Based on 5614 reviews
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Alaa Alkathery
00:42 18 Nov 24
The worst hotel I have ever been to. I swear to God, this is a bad time, don't come, stay away. I mean, one place and the end of the world are games and a fan, there is only one, I don't know, two people are working, and on top of all that, the employees are treated with complete rubbish and rudeness, and when we complained about them, no one said anything to them, but they only changed their shift places, and they said rude things and hinted at unnecessary things, and the hotel's food, I ask forgiveness from God, may God honor the blessing, but without Hospital food tastes better, I swear, and every day the food is the same as if it were in prison. On top of that, all the rooms are so dirty that if they cleaned them with their toes, they would clean better than this. Disgusting. I swear to God, there is no clean floor, no bed, no bathroom. I swear, if I don't have a stomach, I'll come next to your father, disgusting. The important thing is advice: do not go to the hotel, it is better for you only, I swear
00:34 18 Nov 24
WORST HOTEL EVER!! don't know who wrote the other reviews but certainly seems to me we were in different hotel. The hotel is utterly horrible from the rooms the food the service the aqua park. It’s the same food every day and the quality is disgusting. Most of the Aqua park wasn’t working only two or three slides that were open. If you don’t want to have the worst vacation in your life never go to this hotel. And especially the staff they were so rude to us and when we told the reception about it they didn’t do anything. Adding to that our rooms were disgustingly dirty , the toilet was plugged the floor was sticky. Last but not least the hotel is filled with bugs THEY ARE EVERYWHERE. Although the location of the hotel is perfect but just don’t go to the hotel it’s not worth it trust me on that. I hope my review was helpful ❤️
ahmed saiel
00:23 18 Nov 24
The behavior of the employees is far from professionalViolent speech and indecent expressions, and when we reported it to the officials, we were never responded toDisrespect and mistreatment I have never seen in any hotel before. I do not advise you to ever deal with them.
Saleh Mm
00:21 18 Nov 24
By God, nothing will happen, my family. The hotel is goneNo one comes to this hotelDead leprosy hotel and two sakhans for religionGod suffices me, and He is the best disposer of affairsA dead leper is a leper for their forgiveness, success, and sanity
Mohamed Fouad
06:25 02 Jul 24
Ameer PFS
00:13 01 Jul 24
The best hotel in Sharm El Sheikh
Rahal Shashaa
23:05 29 Jun 24
Parrotel Aqua Park Resort Sharm El Sheikh
Vladimir Mukhotaev
10:57 28 Jun 24
My experience at this hotel was far from satisfactory. As a guest who paid for an all-inclusive package, I constantly had to beg for ice for my drinks, and the beer was always warm. It was evident that the staff was trying to sneak good products over the counter and distribute them primarily to Arab guests, almost ignoring the Russians. As a Russian American, I was shocked by this attitude. Fortunately, I didn't book through an agency and stayed only for four nights. I would not recommend this hotel to Western visitors, as the attitude towards non-Arab nationalities is terrible. When caught being unfair, the staff would pretend to be dumb and claim not to understand any language, even though they previously spoke decent Russian or English. Overall, a horrible experience.My experience at this hotel was far from satisfactory. As a guest who paid for an all-inclusive package, I had toAlways begging for ice for my drinks, and my beer was always warm. It was clear that the staff were trying to smuggle out good products and distribute them mainly to Arab guests, almost ignoring the Russians. As a Russian-American, I was shocked by this behavior. Fortunately, I didn't book through an agency and only stayed for four nights. I do not recommend this hotel to Western visitors, because the treatment towards non-Arab nationalities is terrible. When they are caught acting unfairly, employees pretend that they do not understand any language, even though they spoke Russian or English well before. Overall, a terrible experience.
06:09 28 Jun 24
Taavi Ringimäe
15:49 06 May 24
The rooms were almost clean, there was a lot of construction dust and everywhere was full of paint stains, as if a 5-year-old had done repairs. 99.9% of visitors were Russians! The entire program was always in Russian. Really? The Russians should stay at home and think about what they are doing to Ukraine.... Thank you to the waiters and the room cleaner - respect to you. I recommend making a disco room where adults can hang out after dinner... This so-called karaoke event is the best joke... songs in Russian? Take care!Aqua park area music is everyday one and only, music is 20+ years old.This hotell seems to be the time had stopped....The pool cleaners use the pool water to wash the chairs and rinse that rag in the same pool, unbelievable!
Amir Alaa
03:11 04 May 24
Having traveled all the way from Australia with my family for an Eid holiday in Sharm El Sheikh, I was excited to stay at this hotel, following a friend's recommendation. However, my experience turned out to be deeply disappointing. The room I was given was not up to standard; it had evident maintenance issues, including a persistent water leak from the toilet. This leak not only made the bathroom unpleasant to use but also spread onto the floor of the main room, creating a discomforting and unhygienic environment.Furthermore, the dining experience left much to be desired. The food lacked quality and variety, failing to live up to the culinary standards I had anticipated from a holiday destination like Sharm El Sheikh.Overall, this was one of my worst holidays in Sharm El Sheikh. The combination of substandard accommodations, bathroom issues, and unsatisfactory dining options made for a thoroughly disappointing experience. I hope that this feedback prompts the necessary improvements to ensure a more enjoyable stay for future guests.
16:59 20 Dec 23
This is the first bad review I have ever given to a place, If you have any respect for yourself DON’T STAY THERE!!!! rooms are disgusting and dusty, bed bugs in almost every room. The AC doesn’t just leak, it pours water from the ceiling, staff is rude and harassed some of the group members that we were with (not to mention we’ve seen them also harass other tourists). and the FOOD, you’d rather be eating dog food than be eating there. if you’re thinking about a vacation and looked at this hotel, you’re better off not going on vacation.
20:56 08 Jul 23
Hotel is not for Europeans. 95 percent guests are local and they get special treatment. First time in my life I felt rasism against me and family. Aqua park is good but everything else is disappointing. It use to be good and nice probably 10 years ago and not a single dollar invested since then. Food is terrible, people serving food looks like they are forced to do it. Alcohol is warm and usually it is hard to get because bartender's wants money. 4 pm asking for beer, get answer it is ended. Although for 3 EUR they have some special beer. All the time we felt as unwanted guests. Pools after lunch full of rubbish. If you respect yourself and live in Europe avoid this hotel.
Evelin Takova
10:38 09 Apr 23
We came here last june, it was first experience in Egypt so I am not sure how to rate it. The hotel and the garden was looking gorgeous, the room was okay, only the bath tube had a bit of stain. We had a terrace view. The pools were lovely. The food was okay, not great. We had to go trough the other resort for the beach- they had amazing garden and pools!! Overall for the money I would say it was good!
  • Osa pakutavaid teenuseid ja/või lisateenuseid hotellis võivad olla lisatasu eest.
  • Hotelli kirjelduses märgitud toitu ja jooke serveeritakse hotelli juhtkonna poolt kehtestatud kontseptsiooni alusel.
  • Sõltuvalt broneeritud toitlustustüübist võib kehtida lisatasu.
  • Informatsioon hotelli kirjelduse, hotelli teenuste, nende aegade ja hindade kohta võib muutuda.
  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
  • Hotelli kodulehel leitavat informatsiooni haldab ja ajakohastab hotell. Reisibürool ja Reisikorraldajal puudub vastutus antud veebilehel avaldatud teabe kohta.
  • Skyekspert veebileheküljele postitatud fotod on illustratiivse tähendusega, mistõttu võivad hotellitoa värv, mööbel, planeering, toa tegelik seisukord, hotelli territoorium erineda.
  • Skyekspert pakub teavet hotellide kohta tuginedes ainult hotellide klassifikatsioonile, mille esitab hotelli administratsioon ning reisikorraldajad.

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