Titanic Palace and Aqua Park Resort

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Asukoht: Hurghada, Egiptus
Veepark, Bungalow, Perepuhkus
Hotelli koduleht


See 5-tärni kuurort hotell sobib puhkuseks noortele ja lastega peredele. Ühine territoorium hotelliga Titanic Beach Resort SPA & Aqua Park. Populaarne valik!

Vaata veel – Titanic keti hotellid Egiptuses


TITANIC PALACE 5* | Hurghada



  • Mere ääres
  • Kiviklibu rannas
  • Kaugus kuurordi keskusest on umbes 17 km (Hurghada)
  • Kaugus lennujaamast umbes 10 km (Hurghada)
  • Ühine territoorium hotelliga Titanic Beach Resort SPA & Aqua Park
  • Kindlatel kellaaegadel viivad keskusesse bussid (Hurghada, hotellist “Titanic Beach Spa & Aquapark”, lisatasu eest)


  • Tubade arv – 593
  • Restoranid – 2
  • A’ la Carte restoranid – 5
  • Baarid – 3
  • Disko
  • Konverentsisaal (lisatasu eest)
  • WiFi
  • Kauplused (lisatasu eest)
  • Pangaautomaat
  • Juuksur (lisatasu eest)
  • Pesumaja (lisatasu eest)
  • Arst (lisatasu eest)
  • Turvakontroll
  • Amfiteater
  • Basseinid – 9
  • Soojendusega bassein (talve perioodil)
  • Lamamistoolid basseini ääres
  • Lamamistoolid rannas
  • Päikesevarjud basseini ääres
  • Päikesevarjud rannas
  • Rannarätikud basseini ääres
  • Rannarätikud rannas


Standard tuba

Foto toast Kaheinimesetuba, Double - Tasuta sissepääsuga veeparki nr 1

  • Toa suurus umbes 48 m2
  • Aia- või basseinivaade
  • Dušš
  • WC
  • Föön
  • Rõdu
  • Konditsioneer (reguleeritav)
  • LCD televiisor
  • Minibaar (täidetakse igapäevaselt – vesi ja karastusjoogid)
  • Seif
  • WiFi
  • Maksimaalne majutus – 3+1 inimest
Peretuba (ühe magamistoaga)

Foto toast Standard peretuba nr 6

  • Toa suurus umbes 55 m2
  • Aia- või basseinivaade
  • 1 magamistuba
  • Istumisala
  • Vann
  • Dušš
  • WC
  • Föön
  • Rõdu
  • Konditsioneer (reguleeritav)
  • LCD televiisor
  • Minibaar (täidetakse igapäevaselt – vesi ja karastusjoogid)
  • Seif
  • WiFi
  • Maksimaalne majutus – 3+1 inimest
Peretuba (kahe magamistoaga)

Foto toast Peretuba nr 2 Foto toast Peretuba nr 4

  • Toa suurus umbes 58 m2
  • Aia- või basseinivaade
  • 2 magamistuba
  • Dušš
  • WC
  • Föön
  • Rõdu
  • Konditsioneer (reguleeritav)
  • LCD televiisor
  • Minibaar (täidetakse igapäevaselt – vesi ja karastusjoogid)
  • Seif
  • WiFi
  • Maksimaalne majutus – 3+1 inimest
Bungalow tuba

Foto toast Bangalo - Vee ääres nr 7 Foto toast Bangalo - Vee ääres nr 9

  • Toa suurus umbes 48 m2
  • Toad asuvad (basseini keskel)
  • Basseinivaade
  • Dušš
  • WC
  • Föön
  • Terrass
  • Otsepääs basseini (ainult täiskasvanutele)
  • Konditsioneer(reguleeritav)
  • LCD televiisor
  • Minibaar (täidetakse igapäevaselt – vesi ja karastusjoogid)
  • Seif
  • WiFi
  • Maksimaalne majutus – 2 inimest
  •  Sellesse toatüüpi majutatakse ainult täiskasvanuid
Superior tuba Jacuzzi’ga
  • Toa suurus umbes 55 m2
  • Aia- või basseinivaade
  • 1 magamistuba
  • Istumisala
  • Dušš
  • Jacuzzi
  • WC
  • Föön
  • Rõdu
  • Konditsioneer (reguleeritav)
  • LCD televiisor
  • Minibaar (täidetakse igapäevaselt – vesi ja karastusjoogid)
  • Seif
  • WiFi
  • Maksimaalne majutus – 3+1 inimest

Aktiivne puhkus

  • Piljard (lisatasu eest)
  • Bowling (lisatasu eest)
  • Noolemäng
  • Jõusaal
  • Lauatennis
  • Minigolf
  • Tenniseväljakud – 2
  • Valgustatud tenniseväljak (lisatasu eest)
  • Lauamängud (lisatasu eest)
  • Sukeldumiskeskus (lisatasu eest)
  • Veesport (lisatasu eest)
  • Lohesurf (lisatasu eest)
  • Vesivõimlemine
  • Veepolo
  • Massaaž (lisatasu eest)
  • Jacuzzi (lisatasu eest)
  • Türgi saun (lisatasu eest)
  • Aurusaun (lisatasu eest)
  • Saun (lisatasu eest)
  • Hotellis on tervise- ja ilukeskus (lisatasu eest)
  • Hotellis on veepark
  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse meelelahutusprogramme


  • Soojendusega lastebassein
  • Lasteklubi
  • Videomängud (lisatasu eest)
  • Mänguväljak
  • Beebivoodi
  • Beebitool restoranis
  • Lapsehoidja (lisatasu eest)
  • Perioodiliselt korraldatakse lastele meelelahutusprogramme
  • Lasteala restoranis

Hotelli toitlustus

  • Olemasolevad toitlustustüübid: Kõik hinnas
  • A’ la Carte restoranid õhtusöögiks ettetellimisel
Saada meile hotelli päring

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Titanic Palace
Based on 7183 reviews
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bartek gbartek g
16:33 17 Sep 24
Dawid TkaczDawid Tkacz
13:14 17 Sep 24
I highly recommend the hotel with ebony, a large hotel, a lot of swimming pools, a lot of toilet paper, a lot of toilets, a lot of food, a lot of swimming pools, a lot of shops, a lot of sun, a lot of sea, a lot of sand, a lot of animators, a lot of sunbeds, a lot of everything, generally very nice ;)
Bucurestean MarianBucurestean Marian
07:53 17 Sep 24
The services are excellent, the pool is very clean, most of the rooms overlook the pool, the food is ok (very much), the cleanliness is at a high level, everything is very clean (everything is cleaned in the evening, everything is clean in the morning), the internet is not really so good in the room, satisfied
The Artist (samlyn696)The Artist (samlyn696)
02:52 17 Sep 24
Far from everything
Kosta CapbunKosta Capbun
19:48 16 Sep 24
A location for a wonderful vacation.
Ioana SoneaIoana Sonea
19:11 05 Jun 24
11:59 05 Jun 24
Little effort for the French language, a little disorganized the first pick-up at the hotel.
Gaby AdamekGaby Adamek
03:57 05 Jun 24
Lucjan WasiuraLucjan Wasiura
10:01 04 Jun 24
A beautiful place worth visiting
Hazem AttiaHazem Attia
09:30 04 Jun 24
Zsuzsa NagyZsuzsa Nagy
12:23 07 May 24
Great place. Large rooms. Lounge all over. 2 min from beach. The food is amazing. Loved the shops as well some great vendors had lots of fun while shopping.Family friendly the rooms r huge.There’s loads of activities to choose from and can make good deals.
l'immortale Gabriell'immortale Gabriel
14:31 01 May 24
Paid vacation was Ultra all-inclusive but it doesn't seem to be, the drinks and juices are diluted with water, some dishes where the staff serves you are very small and you have to insist to add a little more. Stomach problems the whole holiday, the child also vomited. The problem is temporarily solved by buying pills from the pharmacy, be careful with children.The resort doesn't seem to be 5-star, I've been to 5-star hotels before and the difference is huge, it's not ultra all-inclusive. at 10pm the restaurants close and send you upstairs where there is an open bar, the fun outside ends too early, there is only the disco and the game room where you have to pay separately for everything if you want to play. The last late meal is what's left of dinner. Other resorts are much better from what I've talked to other people.
08:24 27 Mar 24
The hotel is close to the airport, which is definitely an advantage.The territory of the hotel is huge and well-kept. It is very cool that you could dive and enjoy the beautiful underwater world.We booked a bungalow room. He looked pretty good. The bathroom was a bit smelly and more attention should be paid to cleaning the rooms. Unfortunately, the water in the pool near the bungalow was ice cold. We were very disappointed by this, but there was one warm salt water pool.The staff is extremely pleasant and positive. Thanks to your Titanic team.A very big disappointment was the food. The choice is large, but it is needed to work harder on quality. Cocktails were delicious.We would happily go back if only they could improve the food.
16:40 22 Feb 24
Nice hotel. Brilliant reception staff. Nice tidy and clean rooms. Maybe just need bit updating.My kids got friendly with one of life guards. So big thank you to Hatem as he was brilliant with kids by kids swimming pool.My only one complaint is the food. . . Not much choice, unless you like chips, burgers etc that place is for you. We had a great stay,brilliant for the kids as has a lot of slide rides and Nice beach.
Emil KongelysEmil Kongelys
07:13 20 Feb 24
Titanic Palace is perfectly located at the Red Sea, the decor is beautiful and the whole complex is kept very nice and clean!We stayed in one of the bungalows, first impressions was amazing, you have a house for yourself in a quite area of the resort, and at the same time close to everything. The bungalows are situated in a pool so you get the Maldives feeling. Unfortunately this has the downside that it comes with many mosquitoes, so many that we had to ask for another room. The hotel showed perfect service and we got anther room immediately. Because of the mosquitoes, I cannot recommend the bungalows.
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  • Soojendusega basseine (kui on olemas) köetakse hotelli äranägemisel vastavalt ilmaoludele ning hotelli täituvusele.
  • Hotellidel on õigus pakutavate teenuste valikut ja hindu muuta. Hooaja alguses ja lõpus (sõltuvalt täituvusest ja vajadustest) võib osa teenuseid mitte toimida või pakutavate teenuste maht olla piiratud.
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